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发布时间:2019-06-25 15:05
【摘要】:设计是一项具有重要意义的活动,它把知识、技能创造性地转变为产品,不断更新着社会生活的方方面面,为企业带来收益。设计的重要性表明,设计管理水平的提高和改善会有效的增强企业核心竞争力。对于房地产开发设计而言,具有不同于一般工业设计、艺术设计的特点,它参与方众多,涉及金额庞大,设计成果难以复制,设计问题难以预测,而设计质量对项目整体性能和成本有着极大的影响。这些特点都造就了房地产开发设计参与方目标各异、设计管理片面、设计冲突常见,同时冲突问题常出现在对设计有重要影响的环节。面对冲突问题的常态化,房地产开发企业仍然缺乏冲突管理意识,处理冲突问题的随意性强,而针对房地产开发企业的设计冲突管理研究薄弱,不能给企业提供管理指导、借鉴,冲突管理成为设计管理体系中的一个空缺。论文对房地产开发设计冲突进行研究,并探寻企业进行设计冲突管理的可行方式,希望能够帮助企业提高管理水平,获得满意的设计成果。 通过调查分析和文献研究,论文先探讨房地产开发企业设计冲突管理现状,分析了设计活动的特征,总结出设计管理的难题与设计冲突管理的现状,,发现很多设计管理难题背后都存在冲突的因素。其次,论文根据一般冲突的理论研究,分析总结了设计冲突的定义、分类、影响、管理意义,及其形成机理,构建出房地产开发企业设计冲突的理论体系,认为冲突必须被管理,而不能简单的被避免。论文提出开发企业应该建立系统的设计冲突管理体系,并融入企业现有的管理体系,通过树立正确的冲突哲学,以合作达成为前提,追求公平性管理,确保有效沟通,关键环节针对性管理,激励引导形成区别化六个方面来实现设计冲突管理。论文还构建设想了设计管理信息平台的各种功能,认为建立信息平台可以更好的传递信息,沟通、协作,彻底整合开发企业及设计企业的力量来完成项目设计。最后论文梳理了部分有利于进行冲突管理的举措,希望开发企业能从小的方面做起,不断提高冲突管理水平。 论文通过分析设计管理难题发现其背后是冲突的问题,而冲突管理背后其实是企业管理。开发企业管理完善,使设计参与各方可以在权责范围内充分发挥作用,既保持适当的冲突发生,又控制在一定程度内,最大化冲突的积极影响,实现设计精细、项目成功、合作满意。
[Abstract]:Design is an important activity, it creatively changes knowledge and skills into products, constantly updates all aspects of social life, and brings benefits to enterprises. The importance of design shows that the improvement of design management level will effectively enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises. For real estate development and design, it has the characteristics of different from general industrial design and art design, it has many participants, involving a large amount of money, design results are difficult to replicate, design problems are difficult to predict, and design quality has a great impact on the overall performance and cost of the project. These characteristics make the real estate development and design participants have different goals, one-sided design management, common design conflicts, and conflict problems often appear in the links that have an important impact on the design. In the face of the normalization of conflict problems, real estate development enterprises still lack of awareness of conflict management and strong arbitrariness in dealing with conflict problems, while the research on design conflict management for real estate development enterprises is weak and can not provide management guidance to enterprises. Conflict management has become a vacancy in the design management system. This paper studies the design conflict of real estate development, and explores the feasible way of design conflict management in enterprises, hoping to help enterprises improve the management level and obtain satisfactory design results. Through investigation and analysis and literature research, this paper first discusses the present situation of design conflict management in real estate development enterprises, analyzes the characteristics of design activities, summarizes the difficult problems of design management and the present situation of design conflict management, and finds that there are conflict factors behind many design management problems. Secondly, according to the theoretical research of general conflict, this paper analyzes and summarizes the definition, classification, influence, management significance and formation mechanism of design conflict, and constructs the theoretical system of design conflict in real estate development enterprises, and holds that the conflict must be managed, not simply avoided. This paper puts forward that the development enterprise should establish a systematic design conflict management system and integrate into the existing management system of the enterprise. Through the establishment of a correct conflict philosophy, the pursuit of fair management, the guarantee of effective communication, the targeted management of the key links, and the incentive and guidance to form differentiation six aspects to realize the design conflict management. The paper also constructs various functions of the design management information platform, and holds that the establishment of the information platform can better transmit information, communicate, cooperate, and thoroughly integrate the power of the development enterprise and the design enterprise to complete the project design. Finally, the paper combs some measures conducive to conflict management, hoping that development enterprises can start from a small aspect and constantly improve the level of conflict management. Through the analysis of the difficult problems of design management, this paper finds that there is a conflict problem behind it, and behind the conflict management is actually enterprise management. The management of the development enterprise is perfect, so that the design participants can play a full role within the scope of power and responsibility, not only maintain the appropriate conflict, but also control it to a certain extent, maximize the positive impact of the conflict, realize the fine design, the success of the project and the satisfaction of the cooperation.


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