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发布时间:2019-06-28 15:15
【摘要】:随着我国经济的不断发展以及政府在2004年以后开始在全国范围内实施的土地出让“招拍挂”政策,导致我国土地的价格不断上涨,商品房的价格也逐步上涨。此后,虽然政府出台了多种调控措施去遏制地价以及房价的过快上涨,但依然成效不大。所以高房价以及高地价的成因成为了各界人士关注的重点。 本文将土地价格的影响因素从宏微观两个方面来进行研究,结合哈尔滨市的实际情况以及哈市近年来的土地出让数据信息,建立特征价格模型对哈尔滨市住宅土地价格的影响因素进行分析,希望可以为政府制定相关宏观调控政策提供参考,也可以为以后的研究提供借鉴。根据特征价格模型可知各因素的特征价格以及影响程度。对于影响哈市住宅土地总体价格水平的宏观因素来说,商业地价的影响最为显著,,其次为人均可配收入,房地产开发投资额占固定资产投资额的比重以及人口自然增长率等。而对于影响哈市住宅土地价格水平的微观因素来说,到市中心的距离是对住宅土地价格影响最为严重的因素,其次为容积率、地块所在区域、周围的生活配套设施、周边的交通情况、限制高度、临近学校以及绿化率。由此可以得出政府在现阶段制定城市土地出让价格时可以着重考虑地块到市中心的距离、容积率等因素,也可以通过改变这些因素的值来调控地价,使得城市土地价格更加合理,土地资源的配置也更加合理。
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of China's economy and the policy of land transfer and pegging began to be implemented by the government after 2004, the price of land in China is rising, and the price of commercial housing is also gradually rising. Since then, although the government has introduced a variety of regulatory measures to curb land prices and the rapid rise in house prices, but still not very effective. Therefore, the causes of high house prices and high land prices have become the focus of attention from all walks of life. In this paper, the influencing factors of land price are studied from macro and micro aspects, combined with the actual situation of Harbin and the land transfer data information of Harbin in recent years, the characteristic price model is established to analyze the influencing factors of residential land price in Harbin, hoping to provide reference for the government to formulate relevant macro-control policies, and also to provide reference for future research. According to the characteristic price model, the characteristic price and the influence degree of each factor can be known. For the macro factors that affect the overall price level of residential land in Harbin, the impact of commercial land price is the most significant, followed by per capita allotted income, the proportion of real estate development investment in fixed assets investment and the natural growth rate of population, and so on. For the micro factors that affect the price level of residential land in Harbin, the distance to the city center is the most serious factor affecting the price of residential land, followed by the volume rate, the area where the plot is located, the surrounding living facilities, the surrounding traffic situation, the restricted height, the adjacent school and the greening rate. It can be concluded that when the government formulates the urban land transfer price at this stage, it can focus on the distance between the plot and the city center, the volume rate and other factors, and it can also adjust and control the land price by changing the value of these factors, so that the urban land price is more reasonable and the allocation of land resources is more reasonable.


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