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房地产企业财务危机防范策略研究.pdf 全文

发布时间:2016-08-07 23:20


Finance Forum | 金融论苑 房地产企业财务危机防范策略研究 □刘 榕 [ ] 摘 要 房地产企业存在的财务危机隐患已成为很多房地产企业生存发展迫切需要解决的现实问题。本文具体分析了房地产 企业财务危机产生的主要原因,提出防范房地产企业财务危机应从资金管理模式、财务风险组合、融资方式、把握项 目不同生命周期中财务危机特点、建立企业财务危机预警系统几个方面加以解决,促进我国房地产企业获得长期经 济效益和得到稳定健康发展。 [ ] 关键词 房地产;财务危机;策略 [中图分类号] [ 文献标识码] [ 文章编号] F293. 30 A 1006 - 5024 20 11 08 - 0 177 - 03 [ ] 作者简介 刘 榕,江西理工大学经济与管理学院副教授,管理学硕士,研究方向为工程管理与房地产经济。 江西赣州 34 1000 Abstract: Financial distress of real estate enterprises has become an burning issue for the survival and development of many real estate enterprises. This article presents a detailed analysis on the main causes of the distress , and proposes that to provent financial distress ,, the enterprises should take positive actions from the aspects of capital management models , financial risk portfolio , financing methods , grasp the characteristics of financial crisis of different project life cycle , and building of early warning system of financial crisis to facilitate real estate enterprises of our country to achieve long - term economic effects and sus- tainable growt





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