本文关键词: 服务业 集聚发展 集聚区 规划 出处:《经济研究参考》2014年42期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Obtaining external scale economy, scope economy and learning innovation effect, cultural brand effect are the basic motivation of service industry agglomeration development. The international experience of service industry agglomeration development is summarized. It is pointed out that the agglomeration and development of service industry is an important way to optimize and upgrade the internal structure of service industry, and it is also an important support to strengthen the whole function and innovation ability of regional service industry system. The agglomeration development of service industry is an important carrier to cultivate the network service industry system, and it is also an important support to develop and strengthen the service industry and enhance its sustainable development ability. The modern service industry agglomeration area is the leading force to change the development mode and the important carrier to build the regional economic growth pole. The service industry agglomeration area is the important carrier of urban function and transformation and upgrading, and it is also the important support of deepening the integration of production and city and optimizing the spatial layout of urbanization. Location conditions, market demand, infrastructure and industrial ecological environment are the basic reasons for the formation and development of service agglomeration area, but the influence of government planning and policy guidance is also very important.
【作者单位】: 国家发改委产业经济与技术经济研究所;北京市经济与社会发展研究所;
【正文快照】: 近年来,我国服务业集聚发展的趋势日趋显著,并日益受到地方政府决策层的重视。在此背景下,剖析服务业集聚发展的机理,探讨其国际经验,对于引导我国服务业集聚发展具有重要意义。国外许多学者研究了发展服务业集聚区的重要作用(KeebleWilkinson,2000;NachumKeeble,1999),并从
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