本文关键词: 中小餐饮商家 外卖O2O平台 TAM模型 TOE模型 出处:《东华大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The small and medium-sized catering businesses belong to the largest and most dynamic group of enterprises in the catering industry. The development vitality of the small and medium-sized catering businesses is mainly reflected in the innovation power, accompanied by the development of the Internet. The informatization of small and medium-sized catering businesses has become an important part of the deep integration of the two industries. With the government's policy of "Internet" and the more secure and diversified environment of mobile payment, the catering industry in our country has also seized this opportunity to keep pace with the times. The effective integration of the catering industry and the Internet has formed the O2O model of the catering industry. With the continuous expansion of the market, the competition among the major take-out O2O service platforms to attract users has also entered a stage of intense competition. In order to further study the demand of catering business and make take-out O2O platform more competitive and efficient, it is necessary to study the influence factors of take-out O2O platform to reduce the development cost of take-out O2O platform. It is of great significance to provide high quality service, improve customer relationship management and improve customer quality. This study is based on the study of TAM model at the individual level and the TOE model at the organizational level. Through the analysis of the characteristics and decision-making process of small and medium-sized catering businesses, and on the basis of relevant scholars' research, It is considered that it is effective to integrate TAM model with TOE model to study the influencing factors of medium and small restaurant merchants adopting take-out O2O platform. Based on TAM model and TOE model, this paper discusses the influence factors of medium and small restaurant merchants' attitude towards take-out O2O platform. Based on the questionnaire survey of 226 small and medium-sized catering businesses, the data are processed and analyzed, including descriptive statistical analysis, reliability and validity analysis, structural equation analysis, etc. Path analysis. The global model is tested to test whether the relationship between variables is significant, to verify the research hypothesis, to explore the causal relationship between variables and independent variables, and the influence of intermediate variables on dependent variables. Technical factors, organizational factors and environmental factors have a direct impact on the attitude of small and medium-sized catering businesses to adopt take-out O2O platform, and indirectly affect the attitude of small and medium-sized catering businesses to adopt take-out O2O platform through intermediary variables perception of usefulness. Technical factors, organizational factors indirectly affect the attitude of small and medium-sized catering businesses to take out O2O platform through perceived ease of use. This paper explores the influence of influencing factors on the adoption of take-out O2O platform by small and medium-sized catering businesses, and puts forward strategies conducive to the development of take-out O2O platform.
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