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发布时间:2018-07-18 08:47
[Abstract]:With the development of economy and the improvement of people's living standard, more and more young parents choose to spend the key puerperium more scientifically. The dual improvement in living and medical standards has greatly enhanced people's awareness of health care, especially for the new generation of 80, 90, the concept of scientific parenting is more popular, however, What corresponds to the demand is the severe shortage of professional nursing staff in hospitals. As a result, the month and wife occupation, which replaces hospital nurses, has emerged as the times require. The professionalism and convenience of Yuesao bring great convenience for many families to complete the post-parturient rehabilitation guidance and neonatal nursing work. Since then, the industry has gradually entered people's lives because of its nature as a babysitter, nurse, consultant, chef and nursemaid. This industry has become a part of the whole nursing service chain of specialty obstetrics in China. In recent years, the demand for Yuesao market in Lanzhou has been rising and the prices are rising, but the supply of the market cannot meet the needs of development, resulting in the uneven quality of Yuesao; at the same time, The management mechanism of Yuesao market is not perfect, which makes the problems of Lanzhou Yuesao market prominent. At present, there are some problems in the market supervision of Yuesao in Lanzhou, such as the lack of strict entry control of Yuesao, the lack of restrictions on the employment relationship, the non-standard management within the industry, and the lack of government supervision, and so on. Lanzhou Yuesao market urgently needs the attention and supervision of relevant departments, perfect the management mechanism, pay attention to its safe and reasonable development, so as to standardize the Yuesao market and promote healthy competition. This paper holds that only by strictly enforcing the admission system of Yuesao qualification, strengthening the legal effect of contract drafting procedure, promoting the institutionalization of industry standards and strengthening government supervision, can the market supervision of Yuesao in Lanzhou City be standardized. So as to promote the good development of Lanzhou Yuesao market.


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