[Abstract]:With the development of tourism, the trend of economic globalization and the deepening of foreign trade, hotel industry, as one of the three pillar industries of tourism, has been developing rapidly, especially the construction and development of high-star hotels. Various international hotel brands have poured in, a large number of funds have been invested in the high-end market of hotels, high-star hotels have been built, the phenomenon of urban high-star hotels in China's geographical space agglomeration is significant, this phenomenon has brought about regional economies of scale. Brand shaping and other advantages, but also brought high-star hotel competition with each other. From the perspective of the development of high star hotels, hotel agglomeration is the inevitable choice for the sustainable development of hotel industry, and it is also an indicator to measure the level of development of hotel industry. Xiamen, as a pioneer city of opening to the outside world in China, has entered a new stage of development because of the continuous increase in the number of high-star hotels, the diversification of brands, the diversification of investment subjects and the phenomenon of regional geographical agglomeration. According to the hotel star system of our country, this paper defines the research scope as all the listed high star hotels in Xiamen. After expounding the development course of Xiamen star hotel industry and Xiamen high star hotel industry, the spatial agglomeration phenomenon of Xiamen high star hotel is judged by means of geographical concentration analysis. The spatial agglomeration of Xiamen high-star hotels has its own process. By using GIS spatial analysis tools, this paper discusses the spatial agglomeration of Xiamen high-star hotels from the perspective of space, and finds that the spatial agglomeration of Xiamen high-star hotels shows concentric circle distribution centered on the BaiLuzhou Scenic spot, which is obviously directional. There are three characteristics of block distribution. From the point of view of time, this paper analyzes the phenomenon of hotel agglomeration in Xiamen, and finds that its formation has experienced four stages: germination, diffusion, scale, optimization and development, and the dominant relationship between hotel enterprises in each stage is different. Then, synthesizes the spatial and temporal characteristic change of Xiamen high star hotel spatial agglomeration, draws lessons from the domestic and foreign gathering phenomenon research experience and the theory, from the high star hotel spatial agglomeration driving factor and the formation development path two aspects, This paper systematically analyzes the formation mechanism of space agglomeration of Xiamen high star hotels, and seeks the real motivation of space agglomeration of high star hotels. On this basis, some suggestions are provided for the development of the space agglomeration of Xiamen high star hotels, in order to provide some theoretical basis and literature references to investors and relevant government management and planning departments.
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