[Abstract]:A certain owner of Guangzhou who holds a commercial plot in Tianhe District intends to enter the star-rated hotel industry in the absence of hotel management experience and construction qualification to provide room, catering and office rental services to the market. At the same time realize the commercial land asset appreciation. However, the competition in the hotel industry in Guangzhou and China is becoming more and more fierce, so it is very important to choose the right investment and management mode for the hotel development. This article will carry on the investigation and research to this project (hereinafter referred to as F hotel), on the basis of consulting the specialized organization, provides the alternative investment and the management plan, and selects the certain financial index to deeply analyze each investment and the management plan's merits and demerits, In order to provide sufficient information for the owner's investment decision. On the basis of comparing and analyzing the common investment and management modes of star hotels at home and abroad, this paper discusses the development of BOT mode and the application of BOT model in hotel industry. Through SWOT model, net present value of finance, internal rate of return, margin of safety and so on, the macro environment, competition environment, development trend and investment return of F hotel are comprehensively evaluated. The macro-environment and competitive analysis show that, although the global economy is facing downward pressure, the domestic hotel supply has increased substantially, because of the high entry threshold of high-star hotels, although the competition has been intensified, the competition is relatively not fierce; The domestic hotel industry has the best profit in history. With the development of China's economy, it will release a lot of demand in the future. At present, it is a relatively good market opportunity. The ultimate goal of the owners is to realize the appreciation of assets. Therefore, Investing in hotels and operating as soon as possible can reduce the loss of idle land. BOT model (IRR=10.3%) is recommended according to the results of financial return analysis and probability analysis. The break-even analysis shows that F hotel has a high margin of safety (the margin of safety is more than 30%) when adopting BOT investment and management mode. At the same time, this paper also deeply analyzes the risk that F hotel owner should pay attention to when implementing BOT mode, such as investment operator selection, contract conclusion, leak, accident and so on. The risks faced by creditors, shareholders and operators in each investment plan of F Hotel and the countermeasures to be taken to control these risks are also discussed.
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