[Abstract]:In recent years, many cities in the Midwest have introduced policies to support the development of service outsourcing. Based on the SWOT analysis, this paper discusses the development of service outsourcing in the central and western regions from the aspects of human resources, industrial structure optimization, technology spillover and so on. It is found that the central and western regions have some advantages and many strategic opportunities for the development of service outsourcing. But in the near future, there are still some disadvantages, internal and external threats can not be ignored. It is suggested that some central and western cities should explore the European and American markets rather than concentrate on the Japanese market as in the eastern outsourcing cities, while other Midwest cities should not take the service outsourcing as the development direction in the near future.
【作者单位】: 武汉科技大学管理学院;
【基金】:教育部社科基金“中国和印度面向欧美的服务外包形象比较研究:基于符号学理论”(11YJCZH240) 湖北省教育厅社科项目“面向中小企业的IT外包服务研究”(2005Q059)的阶段性成果
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