[Abstract]:In the contemporary society, the modern service industry has entered a comprehensive development period. The development degree of the modern service industry has become an important symbol to measure the competitiveness, modernization and internationalization of a region, a city or even a country. After China's entry into WTO, it faces the background of international service industry transfer and more fierce competition from home and abroad. As the central city of a provincial capital city in central China, Furong District has become a crucial task to seize the first opportunity, maintain its advantage and promote the modern service industry level in the area in an all-round way. Based on the study of domestic and foreign literature, this paper analyzes the connotation, classification, development stage and related theories of modern service industry, and investigates the statistical data of Changsha and Furong district in the past 6 years. This paper analyzes the basic situation of the development of modern service industry in Furong District of Changsha City, and concludes the opportunities and challenges, problems and reasons for the development of modern service industry in Furong District. Based on the successful experience of the government at home and abroad in promoting the development of modern service industry, the countermeasures and suggestions for promoting the development of modern service industry in Furong District are put forward. In the course of the research, we apply the related knowledge of economics, statistics, information management and so on. We use the literature analysis method, the statistical analysis method, the comparative analysis method, the whole and the structure analysis method and so on. A large number of data are analyzed and summarized. In order to make the research results more scientific and practical, the author makes a professional analysis on the development of modern service industry in Furong District. This paper makes a multi-level study on modern service industry in Furong District at the macro and micro levels, and makes a comparative analysis with other districts in Changsha City. In view of the problems existing in the development of modern service industry in Furong District, it finally puts forward a reasonable one. Forward-looking and operable Furong District to promote the development of modern services countermeasures and suggestions. The research results have important reference value for the development of modern service industry in Furong District, and can also be used as reference for the development of modern service industry in other regions.
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