[Abstract]:In order to construct the regional economic highlands in the process of urban and rural development as a whole, in 2009, the Xingtai Municipal Committee and the Municipal Government proposed that "one city" ("one city") means the central city area, "five stars" refers to Xingtai County, Shahe City, Necu County, Ren County, South and five satellite cities) to implement the overall management of urban development strategy. After several years of promotion, "one city, five-star" regional economic and social rapid development. In particular, business, logistics, tourism, finance, telecommunications and other services are developing rapidly and expanding in scale. By the end of 2011, the added value of the service industry of "one city and five stars" had completed 20.8 billion yuan, accounting for 50.2 percent of the added value of the service industry in the whole city, and the service industry had completed 1.97 billion yuan of tax revenue, accounting for 68.9 percent of the whole city's service industry tax revenue. First, the economic development of the service industry in the "one city, five stars" region of Xingtai City (1) the overall development of the "one city, five stars" regional service industry economy has been stable. In 2011, the "one city, five stars" region realized an added value of 20.8 billion yuan in the service industry. The added value of service industry per capita is 8082 yuan; Investment in fixed assets in the service industry reached 16.93 billion yuan, up 28.2b from the same period last year; total retail sales of social consumer goods reached 24.31 billion yuan, an increase of 17.7 yuan from the same period last year; tax revenue of the service industry ended.
【作者单位】: 邢台市财政局;
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