本文选题:快递企业 切入点:运输方式 出处:《华北电力大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid rise of e-commerce industry, express delivery industry has also developed vigorously and occupied an important position in the modern logistics industry. In recent years, express delivery industry has continued to expand at a rate of 20% a year. The Internet shopping behind it is still expanding vigorously and continuously. With the sustained development of the economy, the improvement of the living standards of residents and the dependence of the younger generation on the Internet, the number of online shoppers is expected to continue to increase in the future. There is fierce competition in the market. With the future expected to continue to develop today, the express delivery industry is bound to face shuffling. How to highlight personalized services to provide customers with high efficiency and security, The convenient experience will be the focus of the future development of the express company. And the mode of transportation will play a significant role in the strategic choice and the operating cost. If the express company can improve the transportation mode, Reasonable collocation of different modes of transport and good connection between them can reduce the transportation cost and improve the transport efficiency. This paper combines the theory of regional spatial structure, This paper makes a deep research on how express enterprises choose transportation mode. When they choose transportation mode, express enterprises need to integrate the spatial structure characteristics of transportation area, including transportation cost, transportation time, transportation capacity and so on. Combined with the characteristics of transportation mode, we choose a relatively reasonable comprehensive transportation scheme. Considering the development situation of express delivery enterprises in China, we think that it is most reasonable to adopt the model evaluation method combining qualitative and quantitative analysis, and the model evaluation method is relatively simple and easy to understand. For enterprises, there is no need for too much training or more labor and hardware costs, Therefore, the model evaluation method is more effective for express delivery enterprises. Through the establishment of an inter-city express transport model with multiple modes of transport, the alternative set of express transportation modes is obtained. With the aid of the model evaluation method, the transportation mode of alternative concentration is evaluated synthetically, and the transportation scheme for express delivery enterprises is formed.
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