[Abstract]:The fact that the peasants' wages converge, the regional differences between the industries are narrowed, the urban-rural income gap and the proportion of wage income of rural residents are changing in the same trend in China's urban and rural areas show that the labor force votes with their feet and flows to areas with a small gap. At the same time, it is found that there is a causal cycle relationship among labor mobility, per capita wage income of farmers and urban-rural income gap. Using the provincial panel data of China from 1990 to 2012, a simultaneous equation model is established for econometric analysis. The results show that there is a nonlinear relationship between peasant's education level and per capita wage income. Labor mobility is an important way for farmers to increase their per capita wage income and their share. Increasing the per capita wage share of farmers is an important means to change the spatial pattern of income gap between urban and rural areas. Therefore, the areas with large urban-rural income gap can improve the urban-rural income gap by attracting more rural migrant labor, while the outflow areas can narrow the urban-rural income gap by increasing the outflow population. However, it is easy to form a vicious circle of "the gap between urban and rural income is large, the share of peasants' wage income is low, and the income gap between urban and rural areas is large". The reason why the spatial pattern of income gap between urban and rural areas remains unchanged from the perspective of rural labor mobility is that the mobility of rural labor force will increase the average wage income and share of the peasants in the rural areas. The narrowing of the income gap between urban and rural areas exceeds the outflow.
【作者单位】: 重庆大学经济与工商管理学院;重庆大学公共管理学院;
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