[Abstract]:The experience of urbanization in the world has proved that the metropolitan area (cluster) has become the spatial development form of modern society. The development of regional integration of Great New York, Great Paris and Great London has created a model for the development of urban circle (group). With the rapid development of China's modern transportation system, the construction of "co-city" and metropolitan area in China has become an inevitable trend. Based on the research and analysis of the regional development law of the same city at home and abroad, this paper puts forward three new theoretical concepts from the perspective of regional productivity and spatial reproduction. The first is the construction mode and structure of "Ningzhen-yang co-city", the other is the construction of "system quality" of Nanjing as the "first city" and "mega-city" in the same city area. Third, Ning Zhenyang with the city plate as a regional productivity "intersection" of the integration of innovation.
【作者单位】: 南京大学城市科学研究院;南京大学社会学院;
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