[Abstract]:In recent years, with the development of China's economy, there are some problems in food safety. Among them, the food safety problem of many enterprises is exposed. Among them, the incident of plasticizer in Taiwan area and the "wine" plasticizer event in mainland China are especially typical. At one time, plasticizer has become the main role of food safety, more and more people begin to pay attention to food safety, more and more forces begin to intervene in food safety supervision. From the previous research and experience of scholars, to do a good job in food safety supervision, it is far from enough to rely solely on the strength of the government. This requires the joint participation and cooperation of various regulatory bodies. Only in this way can the problem of food safety be solved fundamentally. Based on the theories of multiple cooperation and asymmetric information, this paper investigates and studies the incidents of the mainland's "wine" plasticizer and the plasticizer events in Taiwan. The present situation of food safety in mainland China and Taiwan and the multi-regulation of food safety on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are obtained. Then, starting with the multi-party subjects of food safety supervision, we can understand the supervision situation of the food safety regulators in the mainland and Taiwan, as well as the cooperation between the multiple food safety regulators on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Thus, the cooperation mode of food safety multiple regulatory subjects in mainland China and Taiwan is summed up, and on this basis, they are compared and analyzed, combined with relevant theories and experiences. The paper puts forward some suggestions on how to construct the cooperative mode of multi-regulation subjects of food safety in our country. The purpose of this study is to improve the supervision mode of the various food safety regulators in China, to improve the consumers' understanding of food safety issues, and to promote the cooperation of the multiple food safety regulatory bodies in China. Finally, the problem of food safety in China can be effectively solved, and in the future, the problem of food safety will no longer disturb people's livelihood.
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