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发布时间:2018-07-18 16:09
[Abstract]:From the opening of gem in 2009 to December 31, 2012, 355 companies have been listed on gem successfully. Most of these companies have the characteristics of high growth, high technology content, and their development has been concerned by relevant stakeholders. Based on the existing research and the main characteristics of the gem listed companies, this paper makes an empirical study on the relationship between the R & D investment and the growth of the gem listed companies. Scientific and rational allocation of human, financial, material and technological combination is one of the main tasks of enterprise financial activities. It is of great significance to study the relationship between R & D investment and enterprise growth. Based on the theory of human capital, the theory of technological innovation and the theory of core competitiveness, this paper defines the two most important concepts of this paper, namely, R & D investment and growth, according to the current situation of the gem market in China, and based on the theory of human capital, the theory of technological innovation and the theory of core competitiveness. Based on the analysis of the relationship between them, this paper selects four indexes: the quality of technical personnel, the ratio of technical and R & D personnel, the R & D intensity, and the R & D expenditure to evaluate R & D investment from the two aspects of human and material capital investment. Twelve indexes are selected from six levels to quantify the growth of enterprises and build a regression model. This paper takes the gem listed companies as the research object, selects the index data from 2010 to 2012 as the research sample and carries on the related empirical research. Firstly, 354 gem listed companies are quantified by the principal component analysis method (PCA). Then, the quality of technical personnel, the ratio of technical and R D personnel, R D intensity, R D cost are analyzed by descriptive statistics. Finally, the correlation between human capital investment and material capital investment and growth is verified by linear regression method. The empirical results show that the ratio of technology and R & D personnel and R & D intensity have a significant impact on the growth of the company, positive correlation, while the quality of technical personnel and R & D expenses have no significant impact on the growth of the company. According to the results of the empirical research, this paper puts forward some policy suggestions, such as rational allocation of R & D resources, attention to the introduction of R & D talents, keeping the steady investment of R & D funds, and not blindly investing in R & D resources. It provides a favorable guarantee for Chinese gem companies to gain long-term advantages in market competition.


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