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发布时间:2018-09-05 16:16
【摘要】:专利资产价值评估是专利权资本化的关键节点,是专利权的许可、转让、质押融资、出资入股、保险、证券化等过程中不可或缺的内容,是促进科技成果向生产力转化的重要手段,也是企业实施知识产权战略的重要环节。 作为无形资产的一种,专利资产有效运用的目的是将专利资产的价值最大化,其价值评估是关键的前提。在实施国家知识产权战略过程中,知识产权尤其是专利的价值评估问题成为我国知识产权运用及保护的热点及难点之一。针对这一热点问题,法学界及经济学界作了许多有益的研究。通过文献检索分析发现,这些研究以专利资产评估公式、评估方法等为主,其中也有一些关于影响专利资产价值评估的因素研究,但都仅仅几种与一个或一组因素,理论和实践中存在的问题使对知识产权尤其是专利资产的价值评估的研究变得重要。 研究发现,专利资产价值评估受到多方面因素的影响,包括法律因素、技术因素、经济因素及风险因素,,然而现行的专利评估方法大多侧重专利评估的某一个或者某一组影响因素。知识产权战略的深入实施,专利资产价值评估需求增多,我国没有给出不同工业领域基于统计分析给出的专利评估数据以供借鉴。目前,专利资产价值评估还主要采用传统的评估方法,正确地认识专利资产价值评估的影响因素对于选择适当的评估方法和得出评估结果以及正确的估计评估风险都非常有益。本文基于现有研究基础,综合分析影响专利资产价值评估的主要因素,并从提升专利资产的法律价值度、技术价值度、经济价值度三个方面提出提升专利资产价值的策略和方法。
[Abstract]:The evaluation of the value of patent assets is the key node of patent capitalization. It is an indispensable part of the process of patent license, transfer, pledge financing, capital contribution, insurance, securitization and so on. It is an important means to promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into productive forces, and also an important link in the implementation of intellectual property strategy. As a kind of intangible assets, the purpose of effective use of patent assets is to maximize the value of patent assets. In the process of implementing the national intellectual property strategy, the evaluation of the value of intellectual property, especially the patent, has become one of the hot and difficult points in the application and protection of intellectual property in China. In view of this hot issue, many useful researches have been made in the field of law and economics. Through literature retrieval analysis, we find that these studies mainly focus on the evaluation formulas and methods of patent assets, and there are also some studies on the factors that affect the evaluation of the value of patent assets, but there are only a few and one or a group of factors. The problems in theory and practice make it important to study the value evaluation of intellectual property, especially patent assets. The study found that the value evaluation of patent assets is affected by many factors, including legal factors, technical factors, economic factors and risk factors. However, most of the current patent evaluation methods focus on one or a group of factors affecting patent evaluation. With the implementation of intellectual property strategy, the demand for value evaluation of patent assets has increased. China has not given the patent evaluation data based on statistical analysis in different industrial fields for reference. At present, traditional methods are mainly used to evaluate the value of patent assets. It is very useful to correctly understand the influencing factors of the valuation of patent assets for selecting appropriate evaluation methods, obtaining the evaluation results and estimating the risk correctly. Based on the existing research basis, this paper comprehensively analyzes the main factors that affect the value evaluation of patent assets, and improves the degree of legal value and technical value of patent assets. Three aspects of economic value are put forward to improve the value of patent assets strategy and methods.


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