本文选题:品种创新 + 品种多元化 ; 参考:《证券市场导报》2014年04期
[Abstract]:From the view of the development environment of basic industry and the product category of derivatives market, the American commodity futures market in the early 1980s is similar to the current futures market in China. This paper examines the innovation development and variety structure change of American commodity futures market during this period, and finds that commodity futures trading is most suitable in the middle to mature stage of industrial development. In addition, the development of industry has not only stimulated the market demand for new industrial products futures, but also promoted the progress of agricultural technology, resulting in the scale of related agricultural fields and changes in the industrial chain of agricultural products. Finally, the new agricultural field or the new agricultural industry chain is more suitable for futures trading. In this period, the innovation of American commodity futures variety mainly shows in two aspects, including the adjustment of futures variety structure based on economic structure and the extension of futures variety chain along the industrial chain. The futures exchange carries on the variety innovation according to the economic structure adjustment and the industrial chain change, broadens the service entity economy breadth and the depth, but also realizes its own variety diversification.
【作者单位】: 大连商品交易所;
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