本文选题:互联网金融 切入点:P2P网络借贷 出处:《清华大学》2014年博士论文
[Abstract]:The development of P2P network lending industry in China shows a explosive growth trend, which has attracted the attention of experts and scholars from all over the world as well as the industry.Data show that as of June 2014, the number of P2P network lending platforms in China has reached 714.It is expected that by the end of 2014, the total annual turnover of P2P loan industry will probably exceed 300 billion yuan. P2P lending platform has become an important lending channel in Chinese private finance.However, the lack of a perfect credit scoring system and the accumulation of personal credit data in our country make the information disclosed by borrowers on the Internet loan platform not fully effective, which makes individual investors in the information disadvantage.Do investors have the ability to identify information in such a lending environment?Can investors identify the risk level of an order by identifying the information and make an effective judgment?How do those investors with a clear lack of experience and knowledge carry out information identification?Is the investor's recognition of the information complete?These questions need to be explored.Based on the transaction data of peer-to-peer lending online lending platform in China, this paper makes an in-depth empirical study on the identification of investors' information, and draws the following three main conclusions: first, despite the lack of a perfect personal credit scoring system in China,The personal information disclosed by the borrower may not be sufficiently effective, which makes the interest rate pricing mechanism of P2P network and lending platform incomplete, and the borrowing rate may not reflect the borrower's risk, but even in such a severely asymmetric information environment,Through empirical research, we find that investors can still identify the value of information disclosed by borrowers according to the personal information and order information disclosed by borrowers, indicating that these investors have a certain degree of risk identification ability.This provides a certain basis for the development of P2P network loan industry in China.Secondly, this paper further studies whether investors can identify information by observing the investment behavior of others.It is found that the herding behavior of investors on peer-to-peer lending platform has obvious herding effect, and there is obvious evidence of information transmission behind this herding effect.Thirdly, on the basis of the first two parts, this paper continues to examine whether investors' information recognition is complete.This paper tries to prove the incompleteness of investor information identification by looking for the way of investor behavior deviation. The result shows that there is obvious regional discrimination when investors identify information.The results show that the degree of information recognition of investors is incomplete.The research in this paper provides a new perspective for understanding the information identification of individual investors under the condition of asymmetric information. At the same time, it has certain theoretical and practical significance for understanding the interest rate marketization, investor behavior and other related topics.
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