本文选题:并购 切入点:合并 出处:《华南理工大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:M & A is one of the important means for modern enterprises to reorganize their assets and redistribute their resources, become bigger and stronger quickly, and effectively enhance their core competitiveness. However, M & A is not always successful. From a large number of failed cases, we can also see that the key problem in the failure of mergers and acquisitions is to ignore or fail to realize the strategic, resource, business, and personnel aspects of the reorganization after the merger and reorganization. Culture and other aspects of effective management integration. To a certain extent, the effect of management integration after M & A will determine the ultimate success or failure of M & A. This paper analyzes the problems and causes in the process of management integration after the merger and reorganization. CS is the leading provider of telecom operation support system (OSS). Committed to providing global information service operators with a mature and efficient OSS overall solution and professional services. CS is controlled by China Communications Services Co., Ltd. (HK.0552) and is a joint venture with Accenture International Co., Ltd. in end of 2009. The high-tech enterprise established by merging GL and Rd's OSS business team has become the largest domestic telecom industry operation support system field and the most complete product solution. The most extensive professional software service enterprise in the marketing service network. However, the road of integration after the merger and reorganization of CS Company was not smooth, and there were many problems in the initial stage of integration. There have been many contradictions and conflicts. Like all reorganized enterprises, CS was formed with a dynamic reorganization and integration around its original and beautiful vision. In the following two years, There are many problems and contradictions in the operation and management of the company, which leads to the loss of core backbone teams, the decline in service quality, and the precarious market. This paper makes a case study on the process of merger and reorganization of CS Company, and makes use of the relevant theories and tools that may be involved in corporate acquisition and reorganization activities, such as M & A, management integration, etc. Closely combined with the real case events, this paper deeply analyzes the problems and the reasons behind the integration after the merger and reorganization of CS Company, and thus obtains some useful enlightenment on the integration after the merger and reorganization of the enterprise.
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