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发布时间:2018-05-09 08:12

  本文选题:互联网 + APEC ; 参考:《浙江工业大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The change of the Internet to the human life style is unimaginable. The rapid development of the Internet plays a more and more important role in promoting the whole society economy and trade. What is the impact of the Internet on agricultural trade? Aiming at this proposition, this paper aims to study the impact of the development of Internet on agricultural trade between China and APEC countries. The main contents of this paper include four aspects: the first part: according to the relevant data of the number of Internet users in China from 1992 to 2015, the Internet penetration rate and the quantity of Internet resources, the author summarizes the development of the Internet in China. Based on the data of agricultural products trade between China and APEC countries from 1992 to 2014, this paper analyzes the agricultural products trade situation between China and its trading partners under the framework of APEC, focusing on the overall situation of agricultural trade and the situation of import and export. Agricultural products trade structure and other aspects were analyzed. The second part: the function mechanism of Internet to agricultural product trade has been expounded. The widespread use of the Internet can reduce the cost of information transmission, collect information and improve trade efficiency. The development of Internet technology spawned the emergence of virtual organizations, which broke the time and space barriers among trading partners, and had a positive impact on agricultural products trade. Internet agglomeration and integration of agricultural resources, promoting international trade in agricultural products more convenient. The third part: based on the relevant data between China and APEC countries from 1995 to 2014, this paper analyzes the impact of Internet on agricultural products trade between China and APEC countries based on gravity model. The research shows that the popularity of Internet in trading partner countries has increased. This will lead to an increase in agricultural imports and total trade with China from its APEC trading partners. It is concluded that the development of the Internet has a certain role in promoting agricultural trade. China's Internet development has not had a positive effect on agricultural trade between China and the APEC countries, on the contrary, the short-term impact has been negative. This may be due to the fact that the convergence of China's Internet development and agricultural trade has not been satisfactory, and it also shows that the potential of this cross-industry convergence has not been fully tapped. The fourth part: the research conclusion and the countermeasure suggestion of the thesis. It is found that the development of the Internet has a certain impact on agricultural trade, due to the level of development of the Internet and the degree of convergence between the Internet and agricultural trade. Therefore, the impact of Internet development on agricultural trade results are also inconsistent. As far as China is concerned, it should also build Internet infrastructure, increase Internet penetration and enhance people's awareness of the Internet. Speed up the integration of the Internet and traditional industries, actively promote cross-border agricultural products trading platform, strict agricultural website quality and other aspects of unremitting efforts.


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