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发布时间:2018-05-25 08:13

  本文选题:销售管理 + 企业诊断 ; 参考:《华南理工大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:M集团是一家移动通信网络优化设备供应商和集成商。在移动通信行业高速发展的宏观环境下,M集团业务发展迅速,规模不断扩大,成为国内同行业的领导者,并于2003年在香港股票交易所成功上市。随着行业的竞争加剧和集团规模的迅速扩张,集团销售收入在持续增长的同时,近两年利润率却在持续下降。 为了改善M集团的经营问题,本文从销售管理的角度,参考国内外的企业诊断经验,结合行业特点和企业现状,通过鱼骨图分析法和问卷调查法等诊断方法对M集团的销售管理进行诊断,,其诊断结论是销售组织架构设置和销售组织绩效考核方案存在的问题,导致新产品推广不利、客户拓展不均衡、经营效率低和销售费用高等问题,最终导致利润率下降。最后,根据集团战略和市场状况,针对性的对销售组织架构、绩效考核等方面进行优化,以期对提升M集团的销售组织绩效,实现集团持续健康发展提供实质性的建议。 论文共分为五个部分,第一章是绪论,介绍对M集团进行销售管理诊断的背景、意义和思路方法;第二章是M集团发展历程回顾和内外部环境分析,内容包括行业的波特五力分析,M集团的SWOT分析;第三章运用鱼骨图法和问卷调查法等科学诊断方法对M集团的销售管理环节进行诊断,诊断结论是销售组织架构和销售组织的绩效考核指标等存在问题,阻碍了集团的战略发展;第四章根据诊断结论,结合集团的战略目标和内外部环境变化,针对性的提出对销售组织架构和销售组织绩效考核的优化建议;最后是文章的结论。 本文理论与实践相结合,研究结果的针对性、实用性、可操作性强,对M集团的销售管理创新和长远发展有较强的指导意义和借鉴作用,对国内其他同行企业的销售管理同样具有参考价值。
[Abstract]:M Group is a mobile communication network optimization equipment supplier and integrator. In the macroscopical environment of rapid development of mobile communication industry, Group M has developed rapidly and expanded continuously, and has become the leader of the same industry in China. It was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2003. With increased competition in the industry and rapid expansion of the group's size, group sales revenues have continued to grow while margins have continued to decline in the past two years. In order to improve the management of M Group, from the point of view of sales management, this paper refers to the experience of diagnosis of enterprises at home and abroad, combined with the characteristics of the industry and the current situation of enterprises. Through the diagnostic methods of fish bone chart analysis and questionnaire survey, this paper makes a diagnosis of M Group's sales management. The diagnostic conclusion is that the problems existing in the setting up of the sales organization structure and the performance appraisal scheme of the sales organization lead to the disadvantage of the promotion of the new products. Uneven customer expansion, low operating efficiency and high sales costs lead to a decline in profit margins. Finally, according to the strategy and market situation of the group, the paper optimizes the sales organization structure, performance appraisal and so on, in order to improve M group's sales organization performance and realize the group's sustainable and healthy development. The thesis is divided into five parts. The first chapter is the introduction, which introduces the background, significance and thinking methods of M Group's sales management diagnosis, the second chapter is the review of M Group's development process and the analysis of internal and external environment. The content includes the SWOT analysis of Porter's five Forces Group, the third chapter uses scientific diagnostic methods, such as fish bone map and questionnaire survey, to diagnose M Group's sales management. The conclusion of the diagnosis is that there are some problems in the structure of the sales organization and the performance appraisal index of the sales organization, which hinder the strategic development of the group. Chapter four, according to the diagnostic conclusion, combines the strategic objectives of the group and the changes of the internal and external environment. Finally, the conclusion of the article is given. This paper combines theory with practice, the research result is pertinence, practicability, maneuverability is strong, has the strong guidance significance and the reference function to the M group's sales management innovation and the long-term development, The sales management of other domestic peer enterprises also has reference value.


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