[Abstract]:IPTV (Interactive Network TV) is a new technology which integrates Internet, multimedia and communication technologies to provide various interactive services, including digital TV, to home users by using broadband network. It can adapt to the rapid development of network and make full and effective use of network resources. In recent years, IPTV business is developing rapidly at home and abroad. After many years of exploration and efforts, Zhejiang Telecom IPTV service has achieved certain advantages and status. It is necessary for Zhejiang Telecom IPTV to choose whether to continue to develop according to the existing model or to try strategic transformation and strive for broader market space. Based on the analysis of the external environment and internal resources of Zhejiang Telecom's IPTV service, this paper demonstrates the necessity and possibility of Zhejiang Telecom's IPTV service's implementation of transformation strategy, taking Zhejiang Telecom's IPTV service as the research object, and on the basis of analyzing the external environment and internal resources of Zhejiang Telecom's IPTV service, This paper discusses how Zhejiang Telecom, as the intruder of digital television industry, is faced with the difficulties of industry decline, external competition, unclear strategic direction and so on, how to carry out the transformation and adjustment of business strategy. Based on the change of China's three networks integration, this paper analyzes the transformation strategy of Zhejiang Telecom's IPTV service, and draws the following conclusions: the current strategy of Zhejiang Telecom's IPTV does not match with the internal and external environment. It is necessary to adjust the strategy of Zhejiang Telecom IPTV. The transition direction of Zhejiang Telecom IPTV is to transform from a single broadband bundled service to a comprehensive home TV product. Zhejiang Telecom IPTV transformation strategy implementation, consolidate the existing core business, strengthen industrial cooperation, give play to their own advantages, expand related business.
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