[Abstract]:In recent years, the competition of Chinese management software market is fierce, and domestic large and medium enterprises are inclined to foreign large-brand software manufacturers. How to integrate the existing resources of domestic software manufacturers to meet the needs of large customers to the greatest extent, and to cultivate new customers on the basis of maintaining the loyalty of existing customers, so as to realize the long-term and stable development of enterprises. Chinese software manufacturers have a lot of room for improvement in formulating major customer marketing strategies, such as changing corporate culture, K Software Group Co., Ltd. ("K Company" or "K Software Company") has some problems in key account marketing strategy. Large customers create low value for the enterprise. By analyzing the current situation and competitors of the management software industry, this paper investigates the marketing strategies of the international ERP software giants SAP and Oracle in China, and draws lessons from the relevant customer relationship management at home and abroad. Based on the advanced research results and concepts of major account marketing, combined with the analysis of the current situation and customer characteristics of key customer marketing in K Software Company, this paper puts forward the strategy of implementing big customer marketing in K Software Company. Through the analysis and discussion of this article, the paper puts forward the tactics of K software company's five-point big customer marketing: first, perfect the construction of the big customer marketing system, and create the customer-oriented marketing platform; Second, to build a "customer-oriented enterprise" to transform the corporate culture of K Company; third, to strengthen customer relationship management and make good use of relationship marketing strategies; fourth, to segment the market of major customers and enhance the value of major customers; Fifth, excavate the individualized marketing strategy, the consultant type marketing guides the market. This paper focuses on the application and innovation of theory in reality, and tries to change the marketing status of K software company and enhance the core competitiveness of the company. At the same time, also expect this article to our country management software manufacturer's development has the reference function.
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