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发布时间:2018-03-06 13:32

  本文选题:电信产业 切入点:国民经济 出处:《北京邮电大学》2013年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:电信产业是我国国民经济系统中重要的基础产业,在促进经济增长、社会转型中具有重要的战略意义,我国政府在“十二五”规划中将其列为重点发展的战略性新兴产业。但是,用户需求的变化、移动互联网的发展给我国电信产业带来了新的机遇与挑战,对我国电信产业的可持续发展战略提出了新的要求。 在新的形势下,我国电信产业的发展现状是什么?电信产业对国民经济增长的影响是什么?电信产业与国民经济发展之间是否协调?如何确保电信产业持续健康发展以持续支撑国民经济增长?这正是本文要解决的问题。 基于此,本文重点研究以下内容并取得如下成果: 首先,评价我国电信产业的发展现状。用HHI指数分析、描述性统计分析、数据包络分析方法对我国电信产业的市场结构、投资效益、业务发展、通信能力建设、生产效率等进行了分析,结果表明近年来我国电信市场竞争格局失衡状况有所好转,服务水平快速提高,资费水平继续下降,生产效率整体水平较高,有力的支撑了国民经济发展的需要。 其次,分析电信产业在我国国民经济增长中的作用,把握电信产业在我国国民经济系统中的产业地位。利用投入产出分析方法,分析了我国电信产业发展的结构效应和增长效应。利用面板数据模型,分析了电信基础设施对全要素生产率的影响,结果表明我国电信基础设施对全要素生产率有着显著的正向促进作用。综合来看,我国电信产业对国民经济增长具有正向的积极效应。 再次,评价我国电信产业与国民经济发展之间的协调性,以使电信产业能够更合理地支撑我国国民经济发展的需要。基于最优化理论,构建了动态评价模型,对我国电信产业与国民经济发展之间的协调性进行了评价,结果表明,整体上我国电信产业与国民经济发展之间是不协调的,且存在区域差异,东部区域的协调水平最高,中部地区次之,西部地区最差,而电信投入冗余是导致发展不协调的重要原因。并针对性的提出了以转型平台化运营及发展云计算为契机,盘活资源利用效率等政策建议。 最后,制定我国电信产业未来可持续发展战略,确保电信产业可持续发展,并持续地支撑我国国民经济发展的需要。在全面分析我国电信产业所面临的新的竞争层次、产业格局、产业发展的驱动力、产业利润源泉等基础上,并结合大数据发展趋势,提出了我国电信产业全业务平台化运营的战略转型目标,构建了全业务平台模型及生态系统模型,并对平台成员间的协同竞争关系进行了演化博弈分析,结果表明,利益分配机制、平台使用成本和激励机制都将对博弈过程的演化方向及最终稳定状态的形成产生影响,并基于此,提出了平台生态圈的协同成长机制。
[Abstract]:Telecommunication industry is an important basic industry in the national economic system of our country. It has important strategic significance in promoting economic growth and social transformation. Our government has listed it as a strategic emerging industry in the 12th Five-Year Plan. However, the change of customer demand and the development of mobile Internet have brought new opportunities and challenges to China's telecommunications industry. Put forward the new request to the sustainable development strategy of the telecommunication industry of our country. In the new situation, what is the current situation of the development of China's telecommunications industry? What is the impact of the telecommunications industry on the growth of the national economy? Is the telecommunication industry coordinated with the development of the national economy? How to ensure the sustainable and healthy development of the telecommunications industry in order to sustain the growth of the national economy? This is exactly the problem to be solved in this paper. Based on this, this paper focuses on the following contents and obtains the following results:. First of all, the paper evaluates the present situation of the telecom industry in China. Using HHI index analysis, descriptive statistical analysis and data envelopment analysis, the paper analyzes the market structure, investment benefit, business development and communication ability construction of China's telecom industry. The results show that in recent years, the unbalanced situation of the competition pattern in China's telecom market has been improved, the service level has been raised rapidly, the tariff level has continued to decline, and the overall production efficiency has been relatively high. A strong support for the development of the national economy needs. Secondly, it analyzes the role of telecommunication industry in the growth of our national economy, grasps the industrial position of telecommunication industry in our national economic system, and makes use of the input-output analysis method. This paper analyzes the structural effect and growth effect of telecom industry development in China, and analyzes the effect of telecom infrastructure on total factor productivity by using panel data model. The results show that the telecom infrastructure has a significant positive effect on the total factor productivity, and the telecom industry has a positive effect on the growth of the national economy. Thirdly, the paper evaluates the coordination between the telecommunication industry and the national economy development, so that the telecommunication industry can support the needs of the national economy development more reasonably. Based on the optimization theory, a dynamic evaluation model is constructed. This paper evaluates the coordination between the telecommunication industry and the national economic development in China. The results show that the coordination between the telecommunication industry and the national economy is not coordinated, and there are regional differences, and the coordination level in the eastern region is the highest. The central region takes second place, the western region is the worst, and the redundancy of telecom investment is the important reason for the uncoordinated development. The paper puts forward some policy suggestions such as taking the opportunity of transforming platform operation and developing cloud computing as an opportunity to revitalize the efficiency of resource utilization. Finally, we should formulate the sustainable development strategy of our telecom industry in the future, ensure the sustainable development of the telecommunication industry, and sustain the needs of the development of our national economy. On the basis of industrial pattern, driving force of industry development, headspring of industry profit and so on, combined with big data's development trend, this paper puts forward the strategic transformation target of the whole service platform operation of China's telecommunication industry. The whole business platform model and ecosystem model are constructed, and the evolutionary game analysis of the cooperative competition relationship among the platform members is carried out. The results show that the benefit distribution mechanism, Both platform cost and incentive mechanism will affect the evolution direction of the game process and the formation of the final stable state. Based on this, the cooperative growth mechanism of the platform ecological circle is proposed.


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