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发布时间:2018-03-10 08:38

  本文选题:山东半岛蓝色经济区 切入点:蓝色经济 出处:《辽宁大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:从2009年,胡锦涛总书记提出建设“海上山东”到现在浙江蓝色经济区、福建海峡蓝色经济区等的批复,蓝色经济区的发展建设已经走过了初步探索阶段。如何在今后蓝色经济区的发展过程中,做到更好规划,更快发展成为我们不得不面对的问题。 本文第一部分是绪论,简单分析论文的研究背景、研究目的和意义。第二部分对本文研究所涉及到的相关理论进行综述。介绍了蓝色经济的相关研究。第三部分是蓝色经济发展评价模型和评价体系的建立。对评价昌邑市蓝色经济发展状况所需要的模型背景进行了介绍。分别引用了IMD的国家竞争力模型、波特的产业竞争力模型和Iain Begg的城市竞争力模型进行介绍,为蓝色经济发展评价体系的建立提供模型参考和借鉴。第四部分是昌邑市蓝色经济发展水平的实证分析。首先分析了昌邑市发展蓝色经济的战略定位和现实状况。其次采用比较优势分析方法对昌邑市蓝色经济发展进行定性分析。最后利用第三部分所构建的评价指标体系,采用主成分分析法对昌邑市蓝色发展竞争力进行定量分析。最后将定性分析结果和定量分析结果相结合,采用SWOT的逻辑分析方法对分析结果进行整全。明确昌邑市在发展山东半岛蓝色经济中的优势和劣势,面临的机遇和挑战,为昌邑市发展区域经济提供对策依据。第五部分提出了昌邑市发展蓝色经济的建议。主要包括进一步完善基础设施;进一步加快园区特色化发展;进一步加大招商引资力度;进一步加快滨海生态建设。 本文主要采用比较优势分析方法,,利用主成份分析法对昌邑市蓝色经济发展水平进行实证分析,力求使文章更有说服力。
[Abstract]:From 2009, General Secretary Hu Jintao proposed to build "Shandong at Sea" to the approval of Zhejiang Blue Economic Zone and Fujian Strait Blue Economic Zone, etc. The development and construction of the blue economic zone has gone through the initial exploration stage. How to achieve better planning and faster development in the future blue economic zone has become a problem we have to face. The first part of this paper is an introduction, a brief analysis of the background of the paper, The purpose and significance of the research. The second part summarizes the relevant theories involved in this study. It introduces the relevant research of blue economy. The third part is the establishment of the evaluation model and evaluation system of blue economy development. The background of the model needed for the development of the blue economy in Jiaochangyi City is introduced. The national competitiveness model of IMD is cited respectively. Porter's industrial competitiveness model and Iain Begg's urban competitiveness model are introduced. The 4th part is the empirical analysis of the development level of the blue economy in Changyi city. Firstly, it analyzes the strategic orientation and realistic situation of the development of the blue economy in Changyi city. Secondly, using the comparative advantage analysis method to carry on the qualitative analysis to Changyi city blue economy development. Finally, using the evaluation index system constructed in the third part, This paper uses principal component analysis method to analyze the competitiveness of Changyi city's blue development. Finally, the qualitative analysis results are combined with the quantitative analysis results. Using the logic analysis method of SWOT to integrate the results of the analysis, make clear the strengths and weaknesses of Changyi City in the development of blue economy in Shandong Peninsula, the opportunities and challenges faced by Changyi City. Part 5th puts forward some suggestions for Changyi city to develop blue economy, including further improving infrastructure, further speeding up the characteristic development of the park, further increasing the intensity of attracting investment; We will further speed up coastal ecological construction. This article mainly adopts the comparative advantage analysis method, uses the principal component analysis method to carry on the demonstration analysis to Changyi city blue economy development level, strives to make the article more persuasive.


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