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发布时间:2018-03-10 09:51

  本文选题:泛长三角经济区 切入点:后发优势 出处:《江汉论坛》2014年11期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:On the basis of the unbalanced development of China's economy, the regions that are late in economic development are based on comparative advantages and give play to their own advantages in latecomer development. Realizing the growth relay to the first-developed region is the internal motive mechanism for the sustained growth of China's economy. The position of the late-development advantage can be distinguished as the quantitative advantage and the quality advantage. They focus on the quantity catch-up and the quality catch-up of the first-developed areas respectively, in which the quality catch-up mainly focuses on the completion of the quantitative catch-up in the latecomer areas. In the late stage of industrialization, we will further optimize the industrial structure and realize the ecological development of the economy. The Relay of the Post-development area in the Pan-Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone to the Economic growth of the Pre-development region, and the Advanced Manufacturing Industry and Modern Development in the Pre-development region. The service industry's relay to the development of the corresponding traditional industries, It is revealed that the premise of the sustained growth of regional economy is to give full play to the advantages of latecomers, and the key lies in the positive realization of industrial structure optimization and the cultivation of new growth poles in the preemptive regions. The important lever is the regional economic linkage between the preemptive region and the later region.
【作者单位】: 南京政治学院马克思主义学院;


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