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发布时间:2018-03-10 10:16

  本文选题:中亚 切入点:消除贫困 出处:《华东师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:中亚五国(哈萨克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦、土库曼斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、塔吉克斯坦)自1991年独立以来,尽管在政治建设和经济发展方面已取得不同程度的成就,但各国均未完全摆脱贫困问题的影响。历年的数据虽然显示,中亚各国的贫困率大体为逐年下降趋势,但在一定的历史原因和政治经济发展的共同作用下,一些国家及其中的部分地区的消除贫困进程仍不乐观;个别中亚国家的贫困水平仍高于世界平均水平。 中亚地区的贫困问题历经全面恶化、总体缓和、再度恶化和纵深蔓延四个阶段,各阶段内各国贫困的表现形式各不相同。其中,各国国家资源禀赋差异较大,社会结构各不一致。同时,各国还面临着社会结构内部分化加剧,国家财富向统治精英阶层聚集,社会流动趋于固化等一系列经济社会问题。这在一定程度上将导致社会中下阶层生活处境艰难,贫困状况加剧,导致社会动乱的潜在威胁逐渐加强。 针对中业各国不同阶段的贫困问题,中亚各国政府纷纷采取各种策略以改善人民生活水平。通过对这些策略的对比研究,可发现部分国家的政策符合其国情需要,最终实践也是行之有效的。但多数政策仅仅在表面上解决了国家最为紧迫的问题,而并未直接对社会财富分配方式、社会流动停滞等问题提出相应的对策,中亚各国改善其贫困状况的发展前景依然堪忧。
[Abstract]:The five Central Asian States (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan) have achieved varying degrees of political construction and economic development since their independence in 1991, Although the data over the years show that the poverty rate in the Central Asian countries is generally declining year by year, under the joint action of historical reasons and political and economic development, The process of poverty eradication in some countries and some of them is still not optimistic; the poverty level in some Central Asian countries is still higher than the world average. The poverty problem in Central Asia has undergone four stages: overall deterioration, overall relaxation, re-deterioration and deep spread. The manifestations of poverty in different countries are different in each stage. Among them, the national resource endowments of each country are quite different. At the same time, countries are faced with increasing internal divisions in the social structure, and the wealth of the country is gathered to the ruling elite. Social mobility tends to solidify a series of economic and social problems, which, to a certain extent, will lead to the difficult living conditions of the middle and lower strata of society, the intensification of poverty, and the gradual strengthening of the potential threat of social unrest. The governments of Central Asian countries have adopted various strategies to improve the living standards of their people at different stages of poverty in China and China. Through a comparative study of these strategies, it can be found that the policies of some countries meet the needs of their national conditions. The final practice is also effective. However, most policies only solve the most urgent problems of the country on the surface, and do not directly put forward corresponding countermeasures to the problems of distribution of social wealth, stagnation of social mobility and so on. The prospects for Central Asian countries to improve their poverty remain worrying.


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