发布时间:2018-03-17 17:21
本文选题:转型时期 切入点:收入分配差距 出处:《辽宁大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:中国转型自1978年改革开放开始已有35个年头了;俄罗斯转型自1991年苏联解体后实行激进的“休克疗法”式改革为起点,迄今也有22年了。整个转型期间两国经济都实现了高速增长,尤其是随着经济全球化脚步加快以及两国市场经济体制的不断完善,两国居民收入都大幅增加了,人民总体生活水平也全面提高。然而,居民间的收入分配差距却不断被拉大,收入分配不平等和贫富悬殊问题日益凸显。 本文首先对中俄两国收入分配的现状做出实事求是的分析;其次,对中俄收入分配差距合理性进行理性判断;接下来运用SPSS19.0分析软件,对中俄转型时期(1995年~2011年)有关收入分配差距影响因素的截面数据进行主成分分析,分析结论是处于转型期的新兴市场国家的中俄,公共医疗卫生支出占政府支出比重和人口自然增长率对收入分配差距的影响并不显著。而人均GDP增长率、外贸依存度、农业增加值增长率、最终消费支出等占GDP比重、外国直接投资净流入占GDP比重、按消费者价格指数衡量的通货膨胀率、失业率、高等院校入学率占总人数比重、资本形成总额占GDP比重和农业人口占总人口比重等因素对收入分配差距的影响显著。 中国和俄罗斯由于国情、转型路径和时间不同,,必须结合各自实际选择公共政策和措施。中国需要在加快城镇化进程、规范收入分配机制,破除垄断行业高收入,加大对不合理和不合法等收入的打击力度,有效维护市场秩序,增加居民收入、提供更多社会保障和公共产品方面下大力气。俄罗斯则需要加大社会产业结构调整和落后产业转型,完善社会保障机制,加大外资利用率和发展国家贸易,在税收方面要加大调节力度,控制贫富差距悬殊出现。总之,根据各国国情,选择促进经济增长、加快二元结构转型、完善社会保障制度、加大公共财政支出、加大税收调节力度以及注重收入再分配等措施的综合运用可能是中俄这样的主要转型国家平衡收入差距问题的最终选择。
[Abstract]:Since 1978, the beginning of reform and opening up for more than 35 years China transition; transition in Russia since 1991 after the collapse of the Soviet Union to implement radical "shock therapy" reform as a starting point, so far there are 22 years. The period of transition economies have achieved rapid growth, especially with the quickening pace of economic globalization and the market economy system the two countries continue to improve, income residents have increased significantly, people's overall living standard also improve. However, the income gap between residents is being widening income inequality and wealth gap problem has become increasingly prominent.
Make realistic analysis firstly the status of Sino Russian income distribution; secondly, the income distribution gap of Sino Russian rationality judgment; then using SPSS19.0 analysis software, during the period of social transition in Russia and China (1995 ~2011) data on the factors influencing the income distribution gap for principal component analysis, the analysis conclusion is in the transition period of the new China and Russia the national market, public health expenditure accounted for the proportion of government expenditure and the natural population growth rate impact on the income distribution gap is not significant. While the growth rate of per capita GDP, foreign trade dependence, the agricultural added value growth rate, final consumption expenditure proportion of GDP, the net inflow of foreign direct investment accounted for the proportion of GDP, according to the consumer price index a measure of the inflation rate, the unemployment rate, college enrollment rate accounted for the proportion of total capital formation, the proportion of GDP and agricultural population in total The proportion of population and other factors has a significant impact on the income distribution gap.
Chinese and Russia due to the situation, the transformation path and time must be different, with their actual choice of public policies and measures. Chinese need to speed up the process of urbanization, standardize income distribution mechanism, breaking the monopoly of high income, increase efforts to combat the unreasonable and illegal income, effectively maintain the market order, increase the income of residents, provide more social security and public products with great efforts. Russia needs to increase the social adjustment of industrial structure and backward industrial restructuring, improve the social security system, increase the utilization of foreign investment and the development of national trade, to strengthen the regulation on taxation, control the gap between the rich and the poor. In conclusion, according to the national conditions, choose to promote economic growth to accelerate the transformation of two yuan structure, improve the social security system, increase public financial expenditure, increase the intensity of tax adjustment and focus on income redistribution. The comprehensive application of the application may be the ultimate choice for the balance of income gap between the main transition countries such as China and Russia.
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