发布时间:2018-05-23 14:12
本文选题:收入差距现状 + 基尼系数 ; 参考:《东北财经大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:收入差距问题一直是活跃在学术界的常青论题,几个世纪以来引起了经济理论界的广泛关注与激烈争论。改革开放以来,我国创造了经济增长的奇迹,2010年人均国民总收入达到4260美元,入围中等收入国家行列,但与此同时也带来了“中等收入陷阱”的担忧,国内许多学者认为解决收入分配差距是中国跨越中等收入陷阱的最关键一环。山东省是我国的人口、资源和经济大省,2011年地区生产总值跃居全国第二位,仅次于广东省,然而伴随着经济高速发展,居民的收入差距问题也日渐凸显,这将通过影响消费需求、投资需求阻碍经济的长远发展,并危及社会的长治久安。本文致力于探究山东省的收入差距现状,构建影响收入差距的指标体系,建立基于时间序列的多元回归模型,从而寻求居民收入差距的影响因素,并针对模型的分析结果提出政策建议。 衡量居民收入差距的指标有很多,本文主要通过极差值和标准差来衡量绝对差距,用极差比和变异系数来衡量相对差距;通过计算泰尔指数来注释地区间收入差距;按照可比性和有效性原则,选择基尼系数作为衡量居民总体差距的指标。根据泰尔指数的分析结果,山东省的地区收入差距主要存在于17个地市之间;城乡人均收入比常年维持在2.7左右;近些年的行业收入差距也在逐年拉大,收入畸高的行业除金融、信息、计算机软件业以外,垄断行业的收入也一直占据很大优势。本文搜集了1990至2011二十二年间的数据,从市场经济因素、产业结构因素、教育因素、政府政策因素以及通胀、失业等其他宏观经济因素五大方面入手,共提取十二个指标,借助主成分分析法对山东省的基尼系数这一因变量作出解释。最终得出结论:对山东省基尼系数影响较大的变量是市场经济因素中的工业化程度、城市化水平,教育因素中的教育支出占地方财政支出的比重,政府政策中的抚恤、福利、救济支出占财政支出比例,其它宏观经济因素中的未就业人员比例和外商直接投资占地区生产总值的比重。这六个指标的系数均为正,说明其对基尼系数的影响是正向的,包括教育支出和抚恤福利支出,即这两方面的财政支出非但没有缓解,反而加剧了收入差距,违背了政府初衷,为此政府应对这两方面财政支出的现实效果做出反思,找出数字背后的原因。 最后针对模型分析结果提出缩小收入差距应从三个方面努力:扩大中等收入者比重,提高社会流动性,打破行业垄断。
[Abstract]:The problem of income gap has been a perennial topic in the academic circle . Since the reform and opening - up , China has created a miracle of economic growth . Since the reform and opening - up , China has created a miracle of economic growth . In 2010 , China has created a miracle of economic growth . In 2010 , China ' s gross national income has reached US $ 4,260 . In the meantime , China ' s income gap has become increasingly prominent .
There are a lot of indicators to measure the income gap of residents . This paper measures the absolute difference mainly by means of polar difference and standard deviation , and the relative difference is measured with the ratio of the polar difference and the coefficient of variation ;
Notes the inter - regional income gap by calculating the Terre index ;
Based on the comparability and validity principle , the coefficient is selected as the indicator of the residents ' overall gap . According to the analysis results of the Terre Index , the regional income gap of Shandong Province is mainly between 17 cities ;
The per capita income in urban and rural areas is maintained at around 2.7 per year ;
In recent years , the income gap of industry in Shandong Province has also been increasing year by year . In addition to the finance , information and computer software industry , the income of monopoly industries has been a great advantage . The author concludes that the factors that influence the factors of market economy , industrial structure , educational factors , government policy factors , inflation , unemployment and other macro - economic factors have been extracted . Finally , it comes to the conclusion that the influence of the two aspects is positive , which is contrary to the government ' s original intention , so that the government should reflect on the realistic effect of these two aspects of financial expenditure , and find out the reason behind the figures .
Finally , we should try to narrow the income gap for the model analysis results : enlarge the proportion of middle - income earners , improve the social mobility and break the industry monopoly .
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