本文选题:绿色发展 + 绿色增长 ; 参考:《中国人口.资源与环境》2014年01期
[Abstract]:China is a country with low per capita ecological wealth. The problem of resources and environment has become the biggest challenge to China's development, and green development has become the strategic choice of China's development. This paper systematically analyzes the function, mechanism and development strategy of green development. From the function definition, the green development view is the second generation sustainable development view, emphasizes the economic system, the social system and the natural system systematization, the integrity and the coordination. In the mechanism analysis, the paper constructs the "three-circle model" of green development, and analyzes the symbiosis and interaction mechanism of economic system, natural system and social system. Among them, green welfare is the goal of green development, green wealth is the foundation of green welfare and green growth, and green growth is the means of accumulation of green wealth and enhancement of green welfare. As the core of green development, green growth depends on effective management of green growth. In terms of development strategies, the paper explores green development capabilities (including identification, input and evaluation) and green development strategies (including green planning, green finance and green finance). Green planning is the strategic guidance of green development strategy, leading local governments at all levels to abandon GDP orientation and incorporate the concept of green development into the practice of local development planning. In the policy tools, green finance and green fiscal policies should be fully used to guide green production and consumption in the process of economic growth. For China's development, the green development strategy is not an optional strategy, but a development strategy that must be followed. It is a comprehensive promotion of economic, political and social construction. Cultural construction and ecological construction and other five major construction grasp. Finally, the paper gives some policy suggestions for implementing the green development strategy, including perfecting the green development plan, strengthening the green input and highlighting the green performance assessment.
【作者单位】: 清华大学公共管理学院/国情研究院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金面上项目“经济转型过程中的收入分配与储蓄倾向:实证证据与政策含义”(编号:71273006);国家自然科学基金青年项目(编号:70903039) 教育部社科基金青年项目(编号:70903039)
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