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发布时间:2018-07-10 09:34

  本文选题:经济全球化 + 国际关系 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2013年博士论文

【摘要】:当今社会最显著的变化之一,就是经济全球化作为人类历史发展的客观趋势已经席卷世界的每一个角落。国家之间、地区之间被国际贸易和投资的纽带紧密联系在一起,彼此之间相互依存的经济关系可以说达到了前所未有的广度和深度。然而,经济全球化的历史进程在促进世界经济快速发展的同时,也对各民族国家和地区的经济安全、政治稳定、文化传承以及社会和谐等方面带来了新的风险和挑战。因此,在新的历史时期,如何客观的看待经济全球化的本质与特征,如何理性的对待经济全球化为世界带来的各种机遇和引发的各种风险,以及如何科学的应对经济全球化的历史进程等问题已经成为人们生活中和学术界的热门话题,也可以说是摆在世界学者面前的一项重要使命和任务。本文以马克思的唯物史观为基础,以世界历史理论为理论支撑,运用辩证的逻辑分析方法以及理性与抽象分析等方法论对经济全球化的总体性问题进行了系统的梳理和研究,旨在为能够客观的、科学的认识经济全球化历史进程,并在这一进程中获取更大的利益、规避和消减不必要的风险提供一定的理论支撑和理论指导。 第一章,绪论。主要阐述了本文的选题背景和意义、国内外研究现状,并提出了本文进行研究所依托的方法论,对文中的框架结构进行简要的阐述,最后提出本文的创新和不足。 第二章,对西方学术界关于经济全球化基本问题的研究进行了归纳和梳理。首先,从经济全球化的概念、起源、性质以及推动力等方面总结西方学者的立场和观点。其次,根据西方学者在经济全球化进程中所处的地位和扮演角色的不同,把西方学术界关于经济全球化的基本理论进行分类,即分为新自由主义、“西方左翼”以及依附论和世界体系理论三个流派,并对它们关于经济全球化的见解进行梳理和研究。 第三章,依托马克思世界历史理论对经济全球化基本问题进行科学的探索和研究。首先,对马克思世界历史理论的内容进行深入的解读,确定了运用马克思世界历史理论对经济全球化进行分析和探索的科学性和必要性。西方学术界关于经济全球化的研究绝大多数都是以拥护他们的地位和利益为前提,只有马克思世界历史理论是符合人类历史客观发展规律,以实现全人类的解放和自由为宗旨的角度来看待和分析人类历史发展的进程。所以马克思世界历史理论是我们研究经济全球化的必要的、科学的理论后盾。其次,对经济全球化的基本问题进行了阐述,认为经济全球化是以15世纪的地理大发现为前提,以工业革命的爆发为标志发生的人类历史客观发展的必然趋势,以生产全球化、贸易全球化和资本全球化为基本内容。最后,对经济全球化在世界范围内造成的影响以及未来的发展趋势做出科学的分析和预判。认为经济全球化的大浪潮在促进世界经济高速发展的同时,也引发了相应的、不可回避的弊端和风险,如造成了全球范围内两级分化日益严重、世界经济风险加剧、生态环境和资源遭到破坏等。可以说经济全球化是一柄“双刃剑”,只有客观的认识经济全球化的历史进程,理性的面对其引发的弊端和风险,才能让这一进程在整个人类历史进程中发挥更大的积极作用。 第四章,依托经济同国际关系发展的同步性和逻辑关系,客观的分析经济全球化为当今世界国际关系带来的新发展和新趋势。首先,从经济与国际关系发展的紧密联系出发,认为国际关系是人类历史发展到一定阶段的产物。影响国际关系发展的因素有很多,如生产力的发展、科技的进步等等,但经济的发展对国际关系的影响是基础性的,也是决定性的。在奴隶社会和封建社会,自然经济占统治地位,民族国家仅仅依靠其内部的生产资料进行生产和贸易生活,各民族国家和地区之间没有任何往来和联系,因此就无所谓国际关系。直至人类进入资本主义阶段,资本对外扩张的需求、生产力的高速发展以及15世纪地理大发现,各民族国家之间才开始有了经济和贸易往来,此时完全意义上的国际关系才开始出现,并随着经济全球化的发生和发展,各民族国家相互合作、相互依存的程度日益加深,其形式和内容也跟着变得更加丰富。其次,对经济全球化背景下国家关系发展的新趋势进行了归纳和总结,认为在新的历史时期,国际关系主要表现出了以下七方面的新特点,即国际关系制度化深入发展、国家关系进一步民主化、国际合作与冲突并存发展、国际关系的经济政治双化倾向不断增强、非传统安全领域国际合作加强、国家间外交出现新特点以及世界格局多极化发展趋势日益复杂化。 第五章,考察了经济全球化进程中的反全球化运动。首先,对当今世界反全球化运动的表现和根源进行探讨与分析,认为反全球化运动是伴随着经济全球化的历史进程发展起来的,,也可以说是经济全球化阶段性的产物。作为一种“全球化”现象,反全球化运动几乎蔓延到了世界范围内的每个角落。它是在由经济全球化所引发的各种全球问题如贫富悬殊增大、社会发展不平衡、生态环境问题等的背景下发生和发展的,并由无序的、孤立的抗议行动逐步发展成为有组织、有秩序的大规模的以抗议游行为主要方式的社会运动。其次,对反全球化运动的影响和未来发展趋势做出分析和预测,认为反全球化运动为当今享受在经济全球化所带来的巨大利益中的人们敲响了警钟,促使人们开始重新审时度势,重新看待经济全球化这一历史进程的优势和弊端。同时也有效的促进了国际经济旧秩序的改革和与时俱进,并提高了发展中国家和弱势群体在国际上的话语权。然而反全球化的多数组织和群体往往只从他们各自的利益出发提出问题,却没有思考过其问题产生的根源和真正解决问题的可行方案,同时还有部分极端分子打着反全球化的幌子为自己谋取利益,从而降低了反全球化运动的积极作用。总之,只要经济全球化所引发的全球问题还存在,反全球化运动就不会消失,而会朝着更加科学、理性、有秩序的方向发展。 第六章,阐述了经济全球化与世界社会主义的关系。首先,提出经济全球化虽然促进了资本主义生产方式在世界范围内的进一步发展,但它不会打破人类历史由低级向高级发展的客观规律,也就是资本主义必将灭亡社会主义必将胜利的发展趋势。随着生产力的发展,西方发达国家内部资本主义生产关系已经满足不了其资本扩张的本性,资本的对外扩张打开了个民族国家和地区的大门,并促进了它们之间的联系和往来,由此推动了经济全球化历史进程的发生和发展。经济全球化标志着国家垄断资本主义向国际垄断资本主义的过渡。它暂时缓解了资本主义国家内部的基本矛盾,促进了资本主义的进一步发展。然而,从另一个角度看,它却把这种带有局限性和剥削性的资本主义基本制度所引发的矛盾和冲突扩延到了整个世界范围内,从而加快了资本主义必然灭亡的步伐。其次,根据马克思主义的基本理论阐述只有社会主义和共产主义才能实现人类的解放和全面自由的发展。而经济全球化虽然促进了资本主义生产方式在世界范围内暂时性的发展,但并不代表在经济全球化进程中没有其它类型的生产关系和生产方式的存在。社会主义因素就在经济全球化的背景下获得了迅猛地增加,或者可以说,经济全球化的快速发展为社会主义的到来带来了丰富的物质基础和阶级基础,从而加快了人类历史向社会主义发展的步伐。 最后,本文得出结论,认为经济全球化作为人类历史发展的客观存在,作为马克思的世界历史进程中的一个标志性阶段,既为人类历史的发展带来了前所未有的机遇,也为人类社会健康发展带来了风险和隐患。经济全球化的发生和发展虽然促进了资本主义在世界范围内的进一步发展,但它不可能阻碍或终止人类社会历史朝着更合理、更健康、以实现全人类解放为目标的共产主义阶段发展,而是加快了这一进程的步伐。在新时期、新阶段,我们必须要客观的看待经济全球化这一历史进程,科学的、理性的分析和消解经济全球化所引发的一系列全球问题,努力做到取其精华、去其糟粕,让经济全球化在人类历史发展的进程中贡献更大的力量。
[Abstract]:One of the most significant changes in today's society is that economic globalization has swept every corner of the world as an objective trend in the development of human history. Among countries, regions are closely linked to the ties of international trade and investment. The economic relations that depend on each other can be said to have reached unprecedented breadth and depth. However, the historical process of economic globalization has brought new risks and challenges to the economic security, political stability, cultural inheritance and social harmony of all ethnic countries and regions. Therefore, in the new historical period, how to objectively look at the essence and characteristics of economic globalization in the new historical period, as well as the rapid development of the world economy. How to treat all kinds of opportunities and risks that economic globalization brings to the world, and how to deal with the historical process of economic globalization has become a hot topic in people's life and academic circles, and it can also be said to be an important mission and task in front of the world scholars. This article is based on Mark. On the basis of the historical materialism and the theory of world history as the theoretical support, the dialectical logic analysis method and the rational and abstract analysis methods are used to systematically comb and study the overall problems of economic globalization, aiming at the objective and scientific understanding of the historical process of economic globalization and in this process. It will provide some theoretical support and theoretical guidance for greater benefits, avoiding and reducing unnecessary risks.
The first chapter, introduction, mainly expounds the background and significance of this topic, the status of the research at home and abroad, and puts forward the methodology based on the research, briefly expounds the frame structure in the article, and finally puts forward the innovation and deficiency of this paper.
The second chapter sums up and combs the research on the basic problems of economic globalization in the western academic circles. First, it summarizes the standpoints and views of western scholars from the concept, origin, nature and driving force of economic globalization. Secondly, according to the different position and role of western scholars in the process of economic globalization, The basic theories of economic globalization in western academia are classified into three categories: Neo liberalism, "Western left-wing" and "dependency theory" and "world system theory", and their views on economic globalization are combed and studied.
The third chapter, relying on Marx's world history theory to make a scientific exploration and Research on the basic problems of economic globalization. First, the content of Marx's world history theory is interpreted in depth, and the scientific and necessary of the analysis and exploration of economic globalization by Marx's world history theory are determined. Most of the research on economic globalization is based on the precondition of supporting their status and interests. Only Marx's world history theory is in line with the objective development law of human history, looking at and analyzing the process of human history development with the aim of realizing the liberation and freedom of all mankind. So Marx world history theory is me. We study the necessary and scientific theory of economic globalization. Secondly, the basic problems of economic globalization are expounded. It is considered that economic globalization is the inevitable trend of the objective development of human history based on the geographical discovery of fifteenth Century and the outbreak of industrial revolution as a symbol, with the production globalization, trade globalization and the economic globalization. Capital globalization is the basic content. Finally, we make a scientific analysis and prejudgement on the influence and future trend of economic globalization in the world, and think that the great wave of economic globalization has also caused the corresponding, unavoidable disadvantages and risks, such as the global model, while promoting the rapid development of the world economy. The economic globalization is a double-edged sword. It can be said that the economic globalization is a "double-edged sword". It is only an objective understanding of the historical process of economic globalization, and the rational face of the disadvantages and risks caused by it, so that this process can play a more important role in the whole human history process. A great positive effect.
The fourth chapter, relying on the synchronization and logical relationship between economic and international relations, objectively analyses the economic globalization as the new development and new trend of international relations in the world today. First, from the close relationship between the development of economic and international relations, the international relationship is the product of the development of human history to a certain stage. There are many factors, such as the development of the productive forces, the progress of science and technology, etc., but the influence of economic development on international relations is fundamental and decisive. In slave society and feudal society, the natural economy is dominant, and the nation state relies solely on its internal production data for production and trade life, and all nationalities and countries. There is no intercourse and connection between the region and the region, so there is no international relationship. It is only when human beings enter the capitalist stage, the demand for the expansion of capital, the rapid development of productive forces and the great discovery of Geography in the fifteenth Century, the economy and trade are beginning to come between countries and countries, and the international relations in the full sense begin to come out. At present, with the development and development of economic globalization, the degree of mutual cooperation and interdependence of all ethnic countries is deepening, and its form and content have become more rich. Secondly, the new trend of the development of national relations under the background of economic globalization is summarized and summarized, and the international relations are mainly shown in the new historical period. The new characteristics of the following seven aspects: the deepening of the development of the institutionalization of international relations, the further democratization of the state relations, the coexistence of international cooperation and conflict, the increasing tendency of economic and political liberalization in international relations, the strengthening of international cooperation in the non-traditional security field, the emergence of new characteristics between countries and the trend of multi polarization of the world pattern. The benefit is complex.
The fifth chapter examines the anti globalization movement in the process of economic globalization. First, we discuss and analyze the manifestations and causes of the world anti globalization movement, and think that the anti globalization movement is developed with the historical process of economic globalization. It can also be said to be the product of the stage of economic globalization as a "global". The anti globalization movement has almost spread to every corner of the world. It has been developed and developed in the context of various global problems caused by economic globalization, such as the great disparity and enlargement of the rich and the poor, the imbalance of social development, the ecological environment and so on, and gradually developed into an organization by the disordered and isolated protests. There is an orderly and large-scale social movement to protest the main way of swimming. Secondly, the influence and future trend of the anti globalization movement are analyzed and predicted. It is believed that the anti globalization movement has rounded the alarm for the people who enjoy the great benefits of economic globalization. At the same time, the advantages and disadvantages of the historical process of economic globalization have been looked at. At the same time, it has also effectively promoted the reform and keeping pace with the times of the old international economic order and improved the international discourse power of developing countries and disadvantaged groups. However, most of the organizations and groups of anti globalization tend to raise questions only from their respective interests. There is no thought of the root cause of its problems and the feasible solution to the problem, and there are some extremists trying to benefit themselves under the guise of anti globalization, thus reducing the positive role of the anti globalization movement. In a word, the anti globalization movement will not disappear as long as the whole ball problem caused by economic globalization is still existing. It will develop towards a more scientific, rational and orderly direction.
The sixth chapter expounds the relationship between the economic globalization and the world socialism. First, it is proposed that although economic globalization has promoted the further development of the capitalist mode of production in the world, it will not break the objective law of human history from low level to advanced development, and it is also that capitalism will certainly win the victory of socialism. Development trend. With the development of the productive forces, the capitalist production relations in the developed western countries can not meet the nature of their capital expansion. The external expansion of capital has opened the gate of a national country and region, and promoted the relations and exchanges between them, thus pushing the development and development of the historical process of economic globalization. The economic globalization marks the transition of state monopoly capitalism to the international monopoly capitalism. It temporarily relieves the basic contradictions within the capitalist countries and promotes the further development of capitalism. However, from another point of view, it has caused the contradiction caused by the basic capitalist system with limitations and exploitation. And the conflict has been extended throughout the world, thus speeding up the inevitable collapse of capitalism. Secondly, according to the basic theory of Marx doctrine, only socialism and communism can realize human liberation and the development of all-round freedom. While economic globalization has promoted the capitalist mode of production in the world. The temporary development does not mean that there are no other types of production relations and modes of production in the process of economic globalization. The socialist factors have increased rapidly in the context of economic globalization, or, in other words, the rapid development of economic globalization has brought a rich material basis for the arrival of socialism. And the class foundation, thus speeding up the development of human history to socialism.
Finally, this paper draws a conclusion that economic globalization is an objective existence of human history, and as a landmark in the process of Marx's world history, it not only brings unprecedented opportunities for the development of human history, but also brings risks and hidden dangers for the healthy development of human society. The occurrence and development of economic globalization. Although it has promoted the further development of capitalism in the world, it can not hinder or terminate the history of human society towards a more reasonable, healthier, communism stage for the realization of the liberation of all human beings, but to accelerate the pace of the process. In the new period, the new stage, we must objectively look at the economy. This historical process, scientific, rational analysis and elimination of a series of global problems caused by economic globalization, strive to get the essence and go to its dross, and make the economic globalization more powerful in the process of human history development.


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