[Abstract]:The current global recession and Europe's severe debt crisis have severely affected sub-Saharan Africa. Sub-Saharan Africa's economies are already shrinking global trade, such as the collapse of exports of many of the primary products on which international survival depends. Foreign investment and foreign exchange earnings also fell significantly. Even the strongest economies are vulnerable in the face of this downturn. Countries with strong macro-government controls have also had to seek international financial assistance to weather the crisis. This paper mainly studies the impact of European debt crisis on sub-Saharan African countries. Based on the analysis of the different stages of the global financial crisis, the current situation of the European debt crisis and its impact on sub-Saharan Africa, especially C 么 te d'Ivoire, have been identified. Based on the analysis of the financial crisis, the European debt crisis and its impact, combined with the current economic and financial situation in Africa, this paper analyzes the internal relationship between the crisis and the African economy and finds out the countermeasures to reduce the negative impact of the crisis.
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