发布时间:2018-09-11 09:23
【摘要】:地球温暖效应和气候变化是二十世纪全球最危险最重要的问题。1990年开始,随着地球温室效应问题越来越严重,,联合国所采取的措施也渐渐具体化。气候变化是世界经济直面的重要的环境问题之一,寻找其应对措施已经是再也无法回避的课题了。地球温暖化对自然生态界和经济,甚至人类健康都造成极大地影响。对于自然界的影响有降雨量的变化、海水面的上升,以及生态混乱;对于人类和经济造成了农业损害,经济的直接或间接损失,以及传染病的急剧增加导致的健康威胁等。目前,全球对于气象异变和生态界的变化问题会越发严重的忧虑加剧。随着各国渐渐开始意识到气候变化会导致台风洪水旱灾等自然灾害的频率和受灾程度的加重,以联合国为重心,针对气候变化问题的国际化协商体系正式开始探讨。 在意识到地球温暖化是威胁人类生存的主要原因的同时,为了缓和气候变化,国际社会共同采取行动,并且建筑名为国际性合作体制的国际气候变化规范,着力于气候变化问题-联合国气候变化框架公约(UNFCCC)在1992年被采纳后于1994年3月正式生效。UNFCCC是以人类经济活动过程增加了大气中温室气体浓度导致气候变化的证据为前提,目的旨在共同努力减少温室气体和适应气候的变化。为了防止地球温室效应加剧,1992年联合国在环境开发会议中,采纳了关于气候变化的国际联合基本协约。包含了具体实行计划京都协议书以俄罗斯的基准与2005年2月16日生效,为抑制温室气体排出正式开始国际化的环境规定。 在2005年开举的第一届协约当事国总会中,根据协议书3.9条第一次公约期结束日为止,附属的所有国家至少提前七年开设工作集团AWG-KP探讨往后的公约内容。与此同时,在2007年第13届缔约方会议(cop13)中,采纳了巴厘岛行动计划(action plan bap:bali bap),不仅是协定的义务减排国家,为了让协约上的所有国家共同协作而开设工作集团AWG-LCA。通过上述两个工作团的成立,将气候变化协商分为两个管理范畴, AWG-LCA在共享蓝图、缩减、适应、财源、技术转让方面,而AWG-KP主要致力于增设减排手段和减排范围为主要课题。根据bap2009年第15次缔约方会议(cop15)谈判最后限定为多110个国家领导人参加,受到了人们的关注,但主要经济国家在总会上单方面提交非正式协商成果“哥本哈根协议(copenhagenaccord)。这样不透明的讨论,大多数被排除在非正式协商中的发展中国家抗议后,结果最终协议文不是被正式采纳而是在总会中被重视。因为当初设定的期间没有达成协议,所以在2010年第16届缔约方会议(cop16)中延长了期限,大体上采纳了包含哥本哈根协议文内容的坎昆协商(cancun agreement),但重要争论焦点未达成协议。2011年第17次缔约方会议(cop17)在“坎昆协议”的重要成果是使绿色气候基金(gcf:green climate fund,以下gcf)更加具体化,并决定从2012年开始的同时,规定《京都议定书》的第2次缔约期限,并设定2020年以后适用于所有当事国议定书以及其他法律体制的协商为主要内容的“Durbanpackage”。.2011年在德班开举的COP17中,协商蓝图围绕京都一期结束了的2012年后的京都体制延长问题和新体制构建问题,发达国家与发展中国家之间对立的持续进行过程中,发达国家以京都体制延长期限为前提条件,要求主要温室气体排放国家义务参与减排,并且还要求构筑具有统一法律约束力的体制。然而另一方面,发展中国家本着“共同的差别化职责”原则,支持只有发达国家义务减排延长期限而发展中国家以技术、财政支援为前提的自发性的减排的双轨制体制。在这一点上, COP17结果各发展中国家的要求事项,即以GCF出台为动力的2012年后的体制相关一揽子交易(package deal)的性格的评价。同时,按照发展中国家的要求,协议《京都议定书》第2次缔约期限延长,并且就这样的发展中国家的意见作为2020年以后新气候变化体制下的单一(single)法律形式达成协议。2011年12月第十七届参与国大会(COP:Conference of the Parties,COP17)上德班纲领中提出了2020年以后所有国家在单一法律效力下构建新的气候变化体制的前景计划。在考量使用至今的依据温室效应历史责任确定各国不同法律责任的气候变化体制时,题为单一法律效力的新的气候变化体制(新气候变化体制)的指向作用预计会更多样化,并且能带来根本性的变化。 对于包括能源在内的资源枯竭的忧虑正在增加,市场中的绿色产业的增长趋势也正在扩大。以氢气、燃料电池、太阳光等绿色能源技术为基础的能源市场,很可能会一跃成为一个超过IT,BT的巨大产业,作为新的成长动力,培养绿色能源的产业的必要性越来越大。在这种情况下,国际性的低碳绿色增长作为国家竞争力的核心战略正在兴起。除此之外,耗能问题的严重性、韩国温室气体排出量的持续增加、全球变暖日趋严重,受到这些问题直接影响的韩国的实情来看,可以说低碳绿色增长是必然的选择。不仅如此,低碳绿色增长作为韩半岛创造奇迹的未来战略,韩国能源发展战略的研究将是非常必要的。 从国内的背景来看,韩国的能量消费问题的严重性,韩国暖房气体排出量的不断增加,对应全球变暖的脆弱性等分开进行说明。国际社会在过去几十年间就环境变化的问题一直采取了观望的态势。在京都议定书中记录还是发展中国家的韩国在过去20年中没有任何就温室气体的相关规定,不断增加使用天然燃料的数量来换取经济增长。经济实力排全球前12为的韩国在过去半个世纪里专注于产业化,到现在为止只为地球气温上升问题上给出“贡献”,在阻止气候变化的国际社会上所作的贡献十分少。但是作为排名世界第12经济大国OECD会员国韩国以后成为义务监督暖房设施国家的可能性十分大。并且因国际化竞争的深入化,保持收益创出模仿形象不便的情况下现在的竞争力艰巨。韩国国内依靠价格竞争力的资源消耗型和出口为中心的制造业产业发展战略的确实性正逐渐降低并且化石燃料依存构造对经济社会环境都有不可避免的负面影响。对能源需要不断增加的现经济结构中对化石燃料的高依存无疑加深大气环境污染。所以要通过转换观念完成新的国家发展契机。通过绿色转换追求经济成长和环境保护的新观念正在抬头。即通过将各产业价值链向低碳小型亲环境型转换来扩大竞争优势开发新兴市场。所以要通过积极的意识和国家的努力将本是危机的气候变化和能源问题转变成机会。由于产业构造转换成煤炭储存所的方式,使产业发展和环境问题的解决走向良性循环,通过探索可持续经济发展潜力扩充方案,改善周边生活环境,保全生态来满足人们对舒适生活的要求,这就需要转换政府的国定运营,企业的经营管理和国民的日常生活等政治,经济,社会等全部领域的基本模式。另外在汽车,造船,钢铁,半导体等基本主导产业已经达到成长周期临界线的状况下,新成长动力是引领韩国未来的希望动力。由于煤炭储存所经济背景的一致化,主要国家对新成长动力领域的关心也基本类似。新成长产业的关键词可主要概括为信息产业,融合,环境,能源和生物等。韩国新成长产业的培养政策和主要国家的政策基本类似。这在不久的将来会形成炽热的竞争,在竞争中脱落的话将不能确保持续的成长,因此必须在我们擅长的领域中进行选择和集中问题的研究。 对于过往经济成长为主的发展战略而言,考虑环境问题并提出可持续发展问题的具有代表性的报告书是1972年由多个领域的学者共同参与的罗马俱乐部完成的“成长的限制”。根据这份报告书,以现今为止的人口增加、资源匮乏、环境污染趋势来看,无法持续与过去一样的经济成长。为了环境的可持续发展,开始追求零增长战略方式。以此为契机,持续商讨可持续发展的问题,开发相关的理论,并把达成共同可持续发展为国家政策的主要议程。为此必须强化经济、环境和社会发展这三个层面。另外,为了将此作为一个具体实质性的政策而实施,强调了所有主体的共同的责任感,不仅仅是国内,国际化治理也在不断地强化。
[Abstract]:Global warming and climate change are the most dangerous and important issues in the twentieth century. Since 1990, as the global greenhouse effect has become more and more serious, the measures taken by the United Nations have gradually become concrete. Climate change is one of the most important environmental problems facing the world economy, and it is no longer possible to find a solution to them. The warming of the earth has a tremendous impact on the natural ecology and economy, even on human health. The impact on nature includes changes in rainfall, rising sea levels, and ecological chaos; agricultural damage to human beings and the economy, direct or indirect economic losses, and the sharp increase in infectious diseases. At present, the global climate change and ecological changes will become increasingly serious concerns. As countries gradually become aware that climate change will lead to typhoons, floods, droughts and other natural disasters, such as the frequency and severity of the increase, the United Nations-focused International Consultation System on climate change issues. Officially began to explore.
While recognizing that warming of the earth is a major threat to human survival, in order to mitigate climate change, the international community has jointly taken action and built an international climate change norm called the International Cooperation System, focusing on climate change - the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) adopted in 1992 and in 1993 UNFCCC is based on evidence of climate change caused by increased concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere as a result of human economic activity. It aims to work together to reduce greenhouse gases and adapt to climate change. The International Joint Basic Agreement contains the environmental provisions for the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol, which takes effect on February 16, 2005, on the basis of Russia and formally starts internationalization to curb greenhouse gas emissions.
At the first general meeting of the contracting parties held in 2005, all the affiliated countries had opened a working group AWG-KP at least seven years in advance of the end of the first convention period, in accordance with Article 3.9 of the agreement. Meanwhile, the Bali Action Plan was adopted at the 13th Conference of the Parties (COP 13) in 2007. Bap: Bali bap) is not only a contractual obligation to reduce emissions, but also a working group, AWG-LCA, established to allow all countries in the agreement to work together. Through the establishment of these two working groups, climate change negotiations are divided into two management areas: AWG-LCA in the sharing of blueprints, reduction, adaptation, financial resources, technology transfer, and AWG-KP is mainly committed to increasing. Setting emission reduction tools and scope is the main topic. According to the final limit of 110 leaders to participate in the negotiation of the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP 15) in 2009, attention has been paid to this issue. However, the major economic countries unilaterally submitted the outcome of the informal consultation "Copenhagen Accord" at the general meeting. This is an opaque discussion. Most of the developing countries excluded from informal consultations protested, and the final agreement was not formally adopted but was taken seriously by the general assembly. The 17th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 17) in 2011 achieved a significant result in making the Green Climate Fund (gcf) more concrete and decided to provide for the second contracting of the Kyoto Protocol, starting in 2012. Durban Package, which will be applicable to all protocols and other legal systems after 2020, was set as the main content. In COP 17, which was launched in Durban in 2011, the blueprint for negotiations centered on the extension of the Kyoto system after the first phase of Kyoto ended in 2012 and the construction of a new system, developed countries and developing countries. In the ongoing process of confrontation between countries, the developed countries, with the extension of the Kyoto regime as a prerequisite, require the major greenhouse gas emitters to participate in emission reduction obligations, and also require the establishment of a unified legally binding system. In this regard, COP17 results in the requirements of developing countries, namely, the introduction of GCF as a driving force for the post-2012 system-related package deal evaluation. At the request of developing countries, the second contracting period of the Kyoto Protocol is extended and the views of developing countries are agreed as a single legal form under the new climate change regime after 2020. The prospects for building a new climate change regime in all countries after 2020 under a single legal effect are proposed. When considering the climate change regime that has been used so far to determine the different legal responsibilities of each country based on the historical responsibility of the greenhouse effect, the new climate change regime with a single legal effect (the new climate change regime) is proposed. Use is expected to be more diverse and can bring about fundamental changes.
Concerns about resource depletion, including energy, are growing, and the growth trend of green industries in the market is expanding. Energy markets based on green energy technologies such as hydrogen, fuel cells and sunlight are likely to leap into a giant industry that surpasses IT and BT as a new growth engine to foster green energy. In this case, the international low-carbon green growth as the core strategy of national competitiveness is emerging. In addition, the seriousness of energy consumption problems, South Korea's greenhouse gas emissions continue to increase, global warming is becoming increasingly serious, directly affected by these problems in South Korea's reality, it can be said that Low-carbon green growth is an inevitable choice. Moreover, low-carbon green growth as a miracle of the future strategy of the Korean Peninsula, South Korea's energy development strategy research will be very necessary.
In the domestic context, the seriousness of the energy consumption problem in South Korea, the increasing emissions of greenhouse gases in South Korea, and the vulnerability to global warming are explained separately. South Korea, which has no greenhouse gas regulations in the past 20 years, has been increasing its use of natural fuels in exchange for economic growth. The contribution of the international community is very small. But as the 12th largest OECD member country in the world, South Korea is very likely to become a country with compulsory supervision of heating facilities. The certainty of competitive resource-consuming and export-oriented manufacturing industry development strategies is gradually diminishing and fossil fuel dependence structures have unavoidable negative impacts on the economic and social environment. The new concept of pursuing economic growth and environmental protection through green transformation is rising, that is, expanding competitive advantages to develop emerging markets by shifting the value chains of various industries to low-carbon, small-scale, environmentally friendly ones. Climate change and energy issues are transformed into opportunities. As industrial structures are transformed into coal storage facilities, solutions to industrial development and environmental problems are in a virtuous circle. By exploring potential expansion schemes for sustainable economic development, we can improve the living environment around us and preserve the ecology to meet people's requirements for a comfortable life. In addition, under the condition that the basic leading industries such as automobiles, shipbuilding, steel and semiconductors have reached the critical growth cycle, the new growth power is the hope power to lead Korea in the future. The key words of new growth industries can be summarized as information industry, integration, environment, energy and biology. The training policies of new growth industries in South Korea are basically similar to those of the major countries. Competition, if lost in competition, will not ensure sustained growth, so we must choose and concentrate on research in areas where we are good at.
For past economic growth-oriented development strategies, a representative report on environmental issues and sustainable development was completed by the Rome Club in 1972 with the participation of scholars from various fields. In view of the trend of pollution, it is impossible to sustain the same economic growth as in the past. In order to achieve the sustainable development of the environment, zero growth strategy should be pursued. In addition, in order to implement it as a concrete and substantive policy, we emphasize the common sense of responsibility of all subjects, not only at home, but also at home.
[Abstract]:Global warming and climate change are the most dangerous and important issues in the twentieth century. Since 1990, as the global greenhouse effect has become more and more serious, the measures taken by the United Nations have gradually become concrete. Climate change is one of the most important environmental problems facing the world economy, and it is no longer possible to find a solution to them. The warming of the earth has a tremendous impact on the natural ecology and economy, even on human health. The impact on nature includes changes in rainfall, rising sea levels, and ecological chaos; agricultural damage to human beings and the economy, direct or indirect economic losses, and the sharp increase in infectious diseases. At present, the global climate change and ecological changes will become increasingly serious concerns. As countries gradually become aware that climate change will lead to typhoons, floods, droughts and other natural disasters, such as the frequency and severity of the increase, the United Nations-focused International Consultation System on climate change issues. Officially began to explore.
While recognizing that warming of the earth is a major threat to human survival, in order to mitigate climate change, the international community has jointly taken action and built an international climate change norm called the International Cooperation System, focusing on climate change - the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) adopted in 1992 and in 1993 UNFCCC is based on evidence of climate change caused by increased concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere as a result of human economic activity. It aims to work together to reduce greenhouse gases and adapt to climate change. The International Joint Basic Agreement contains the environmental provisions for the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol, which takes effect on February 16, 2005, on the basis of Russia and formally starts internationalization to curb greenhouse gas emissions.
At the first general meeting of the contracting parties held in 2005, all the affiliated countries had opened a working group AWG-KP at least seven years in advance of the end of the first convention period, in accordance with Article 3.9 of the agreement. Meanwhile, the Bali Action Plan was adopted at the 13th Conference of the Parties (COP 13) in 2007. Bap: Bali bap) is not only a contractual obligation to reduce emissions, but also a working group, AWG-LCA, established to allow all countries in the agreement to work together. Through the establishment of these two working groups, climate change negotiations are divided into two management areas: AWG-LCA in the sharing of blueprints, reduction, adaptation, financial resources, technology transfer, and AWG-KP is mainly committed to increasing. Setting emission reduction tools and scope is the main topic. According to the final limit of 110 leaders to participate in the negotiation of the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP 15) in 2009, attention has been paid to this issue. However, the major economic countries unilaterally submitted the outcome of the informal consultation "Copenhagen Accord" at the general meeting. This is an opaque discussion. Most of the developing countries excluded from informal consultations protested, and the final agreement was not formally adopted but was taken seriously by the general assembly. The 17th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 17) in 2011 achieved a significant result in making the Green Climate Fund (gcf) more concrete and decided to provide for the second contracting of the Kyoto Protocol, starting in 2012. Durban Package, which will be applicable to all protocols and other legal systems after 2020, was set as the main content. In COP 17, which was launched in Durban in 2011, the blueprint for negotiations centered on the extension of the Kyoto system after the first phase of Kyoto ended in 2012 and the construction of a new system, developed countries and developing countries. In the ongoing process of confrontation between countries, the developed countries, with the extension of the Kyoto regime as a prerequisite, require the major greenhouse gas emitters to participate in emission reduction obligations, and also require the establishment of a unified legally binding system. In this regard, COP17 results in the requirements of developing countries, namely, the introduction of GCF as a driving force for the post-2012 system-related package deal evaluation. At the request of developing countries, the second contracting period of the Kyoto Protocol is extended and the views of developing countries are agreed as a single legal form under the new climate change regime after 2020. The prospects for building a new climate change regime in all countries after 2020 under a single legal effect are proposed. When considering the climate change regime that has been used so far to determine the different legal responsibilities of each country based on the historical responsibility of the greenhouse effect, the new climate change regime with a single legal effect (the new climate change regime) is proposed. Use is expected to be more diverse and can bring about fundamental changes.
Concerns about resource depletion, including energy, are growing, and the growth trend of green industries in the market is expanding. Energy markets based on green energy technologies such as hydrogen, fuel cells and sunlight are likely to leap into a giant industry that surpasses IT and BT as a new growth engine to foster green energy. In this case, the international low-carbon green growth as the core strategy of national competitiveness is emerging. In addition, the seriousness of energy consumption problems, South Korea's greenhouse gas emissions continue to increase, global warming is becoming increasingly serious, directly affected by these problems in South Korea's reality, it can be said that Low-carbon green growth is an inevitable choice. Moreover, low-carbon green growth as a miracle of the future strategy of the Korean Peninsula, South Korea's energy development strategy research will be very necessary.
In the domestic context, the seriousness of the energy consumption problem in South Korea, the increasing emissions of greenhouse gases in South Korea, and the vulnerability to global warming are explained separately. South Korea, which has no greenhouse gas regulations in the past 20 years, has been increasing its use of natural fuels in exchange for economic growth. The contribution of the international community is very small. But as the 12th largest OECD member country in the world, South Korea is very likely to become a country with compulsory supervision of heating facilities. The certainty of competitive resource-consuming and export-oriented manufacturing industry development strategies is gradually diminishing and fossil fuel dependence structures have unavoidable negative impacts on the economic and social environment. The new concept of pursuing economic growth and environmental protection through green transformation is rising, that is, expanding competitive advantages to develop emerging markets by shifting the value chains of various industries to low-carbon, small-scale, environmentally friendly ones. Climate change and energy issues are transformed into opportunities. As industrial structures are transformed into coal storage facilities, solutions to industrial development and environmental problems are in a virtuous circle. By exploring potential expansion schemes for sustainable economic development, we can improve the living environment around us and preserve the ecology to meet people's requirements for a comfortable life. In addition, under the condition that the basic leading industries such as automobiles, shipbuilding, steel and semiconductors have reached the critical growth cycle, the new growth power is the hope power to lead Korea in the future. The key words of new growth industries can be summarized as information industry, integration, environment, energy and biology. The training policies of new growth industries in South Korea are basically similar to those of the major countries. Competition, if lost in competition, will not ensure sustained growth, so we must choose and concentrate on research in areas where we are good at.
For past economic growth-oriented development strategies, a representative report on environmental issues and sustainable development was completed by the Rome Club in 1972 with the participation of scholars from various fields. In view of the trend of pollution, it is impossible to sustain the same economic growth as in the past. In order to achieve the sustainable development of the environment, zero growth strategy should be pursued. In addition, in order to implement it as a concrete and substantive policy, we emphasize the common sense of responsibility of all subjects, not only at home, but also at home.
相关期刊论文 前10条
1 丁祖荣;;温气限排:地球生命的防线[J];中国环境管理丛书;2007年04期
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3 ;环境署的大气计划[J];产业与环境(中文版);1995年01期
4 严珊琴;刘大o