本文选题:噪声 + 随机微分方程 ; 参考:《中国矿业大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Stability theory is a theory to study whether dynamic systems can continue to be stable in the presence of external disturbances [22].For stochastic systems, stability is not only a very important system performance, but also plays an important role in system design.The stability of stochastic systems is of great practical value in both theoretical research and industrial design applications.In the second and third chapters, the influence of noise intensity on the stability of nonlinear ordinary differential systems and nonlinear delay differential systems is discussed.In this paper, we directly use the stability coefficients 伪 and 尾 to solve the upper bound of noise intensity which can keep the stochastic system stable.By means of uncertain parameters, holder inequality and Gronwall inequality and some common inequalities, the results of global exponential stability of perturbed systems under certain conditions are derived under Lipschitz condition.The transcendental equation of the upper bound of noise intensity is obtained, and the maximum allowable noise intensity upper bound can be estimated by choosing appropriate uncertain parameters.In the third chapter, we consider three different types of noise: random term without delay, random term with delay and random term with and without delay.In this paper, two main conclusions are obtained: first, under the condition of no loss of stability, the perturbation system can tolerate the noise intensity in a certain range, that is, when the intensity of the noise does not exceed the upper bound of the given noise,Stochastic differential systems and stochastic delay differential systems can still maintain global exponential stability. Secondly, if the intensity of noise does not exceed the derived upper bound of noise, the solution of perturbed systems has a higher attenuation speed.That is, noise can further accelerate the decay rate of solutions of ordinary differential systems and delay differential systems.
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