[Abstract]:Partial differential equations are widely used to describe many practical problems in modern science and engineering calculation. It is very important to solve the differential equations which do not exist in analytic solutions. With the development of mathematical theory and calculation methods, the finite difference method, finite volume method and finite element method have been able to solve most differential equations. However, for the equations with singular numerical solutions, if the uniform grid requires a lot of computing resources, especially the high-dimensional problem, it may be beyond the computing power of the computer. The moving mesh method redistributes the mesh according to the characteristics of the numerical solution, which can effectively reduce the calculation error without wasting computing resources. At the same time, in the actual numerical calculation, it may take a long time to select the uniform time step. The time adaptive method can continuously adjust the time step in the calculation process, thus improving the efficiency of numerical calculation. In 1925, Einstein predicted that the particles in the gas at very low temperature would be in the same quantum state. Bose-Einstein condensed state (BEC). Was found in rarefied alkali metal gases. This problem has attracted the attention of physicists and mathematicians. The nonlinear Schrodinger (NLS) equation is usually used to describe the single particle properties of Bose-Einstein condensed matter. A large number of researchers have studied the nonlinear Schrodinger equation theoretically and numerically, and put forward a series of numerical solutions. In the infinite potential well, the boundary layer will appear in the ground state solution of Bose-Einstein condensate when there is a strong interaction between the particles. Therefore, it needs a lot of computing resources to calculate the ground state solution using uniform grid. At the same time, to solve the ground state solution of Bose-Einstein condensation is to find the minimum point of the energy functional under the limited condition. The energy changes sharply in the initial stage of numerical calculation, but changes very slowly when it is near convergence. Therefore, it takes a long calculation time to adopt the uniform time step. According to the spatial and temporal characteristics of the numerical solution of the problem, using the moving grid method in space and time adaptive method in time can effectively improve the efficiency of numerical calculation. In this paper, a spatiotemporal adaptive finite element method is introduced to solve the ground state solution of Bose-Einstein condensed matter. Firstly, the adaptive method and the theory of nonlinear Schrodinger equation are introduced. Secondly, the moving grid method based on equal distribution principle for one-dimensional problem, the mobile grid method based on harmonic mapping and the time adaptive method for two-dimensional problem are introduced. Then, the numerical characteristics of ground state solutions of Bose-Einstein condensed matter under different potential wells are analyzed, and how to realize mobile grid technology in space and self-adaptation in time are proposed. Based on the spatio-temporal adaptive finite element method, a numerical example of the ground state solution of Bose-Einstein condensation in one and two dimensions is given. The numerical results of uniform mesh and moving grid are analyzed and compared, and the validity of the spatio-temporal adaptive method is pointed out.
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