[Abstract]:The main content of this paper is divided into three parts. First, we study 5-Hom-Jordan lie algebra. Firstly, the splitting regular 5-Hom-Jordan lie algebra and its root connectivity are defined. Secondly, by using its root connectivity, the sufficient and necessary conditions for the maximal length of canonical 未 -Hom-Jordan lie algebras with symmetric roots and the sufficient conditions for splitting regular 未 -Hom-Jordan lie algebras to be decomposed into some simple ideal direct sums are given. Secondly, we study Hom-Leibniz algebra and Hom-lie color algebra. First, we define the split regular Hom-Leibniz algebra and its root connectivity. By using the property of the connectedness of roots, the sufficient conditions for the decomposition of regular Hom-Leibniz algebras with symmetric roots into the direct sums of some ideals are obtained. Then, we define -J-connectedness and obtain a sufficient and necessary condition for the maximal length of canonical Hom-Leibniz algebras with symmetric roots. Secondly, we give the definition of split regular Hom-lie color algebra and its radical connectedness. By using the property of root connectedness, we obtain the sufficient and necessary conditions for the maximal length of canonical Hom-lie color algebras with symmetric roots and the sufficient conditions for splitting regular Homo lie color algebras to be decomposed into some direct sums of simple ideals. Thirdly, the third series of Leibniz is studied. Firstly, by using the pan-Leibniz envelope of the Leibniz triple system, the splitting Leibniz triple system and its root connectivity are defined. By using the property of root connectivity, the sufficient conditions for splitting Leibniz triple systems with symmetric roots to be decomposed into some ideal direct sums are obtained. Then, we define (?) J-connectedness and obtain a sufficient and necessary condition for a single split Leibniz triple system with symmetric root system with maximum length by using it. Secondly, we generalize the definition of split Leibniz triple system, and give the definition of step Leibniz triple system and hierarchical connectivity. By using the property of hierarchical connectivity, it is obtained that all the elements in the support set of the ungraded Leibniz triple system are hierarchically connected. The sufficient conditions under which the hierarchical Leibniz triple systems with trivial annihilators are decomposed into some ideal direct sums are given.
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