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发布时间:2020-10-28 13:54
   本文研究了在光照和遮荫条件下,钛离子(Ti)对大豆[Glycine max(L.)Merr.]生长和产量的影响。在光照和遮荫条件下,对大豆植株进行了5种不同浓度的钛液喷施,分别进行了水培试验、土壤盆栽试验和田间试验。在水培试验中,由于试验空间小,选择了3个处理(T_0:0 mg/L,T_1:125 mg/L,T_2:250 mg/L)田间试验中,采用了5个处理(T_0:0 mg/L,T_1:125 mg/L,T_2:250 mg/L,T_3:500 mg/L,T_4:1000 mg/L)。用不同的仪器对形态指标和生理参数进行了测定,Li-COR 6400测定叶片净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、气孔导度(GS)和胞间CO_2浓度(Ci),SPAD-502测定叶绿素含量,WinRhizo扫描仪测定根系结构,Fluor-Image测定荧光参数。结果表明,遮荫可显著降低根系长度、体积、表面积和直径。此外,遮荫显著减少了叶面积、叶片厚度、断茎强度、茎粗和木质素生物合成。遮荫还影响叶绿素含量、光合作用、气孔导度和蒸腾速率等生理参数。光合作用的下降可能是由于叶面积较小,叶绿素含量较低所致。遮荫影响叶片解剖结构、叶绿体和类囊体结构,进而影响叶绿素荧光参数。叶绿素荧光的降低是由于光化学猝灭(Qp)、PSII光化学有效量子产量(ФPSII)和电子传输速率(ETR)的降低所致。而底浓度的Ti对大豆生长有明显的促进作用,高浓度的Ti有抑制作用。在光照和遮荫条件下,较低浓度的Ti均能提高根长、体积和比表面积,高浓度的Ti对植物生长有不利影响。在光照和遮荫条件下,叶面喷施Ti(125、250 mg/L)显著增加叶片面积、叶绿素含量、光合作用速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、光化学猝灭(Qp)、有效量子产量(ФPSII)和电子传递速率(ETR)。Ti处理的植株可溶性总糖含量显著增加。T2和T3单株产量的提高,是由于豆荚数和籽粒数的增加。T_2处理的大豆产量最大达到2630.48 kg/hm~2,比T_0高19.84%,而T_5处理大豆籽粒产量最低,为1597.36 kg/hm~2,比T_0低24.25%。总之,在光照和遮荫条件下,低浓度的Ti通过促进光合器官的活性而促进植物的生长。
1 Introduction
    1.1 Research motivation
    1.2 Research background
    1.3 Purpose and significance
    1.4 Key issues to be resolved and scientific questions
    1.5 Main Research Content
    1.6 Scientific placement of this research
2 Review and Literature
    2.1 Understorey crops and research progress on shade stress
    2.2 Effect of shade stress on photosynthetic apparatus
    2.3 Effect of shade stress on plant stability and its research progress
    2.4 Anatomical changes of stem under shade stress and its research progress
    2.5 Effect of shade stress on yield and its research progress
    2.6 Strategies to overcome shade stress and its research progress
    2.7 Titanium description
        2.7.1 Importance of titanium in agriculture sector and its research progress
        2.7.2 Titanium in plants and mechanism of action, and its research progress
        2.7.3 Titanium translocation and uptake and its research progress
        2.7.4 Ti distribution in plant tissues
3 Materials and Methods
    3.1 Materials
    3.2 Treatment distribution and experimental layout
    3.3 Sampling and measurements
        3.3.1 Morphological parameters
        3.3.2 Photosynthetic characteristics
        3.3.3 Total soluble sugar content
        3.3.4 Yield and quality determining parameters
        3.3.5 Titanium elemental analysis
    3.4 Statistical analysis
4 Results
    4.1.Leaf area (LA) and leaf thickness
    4.2.Dry biomass (DM)
    4.3.Effect of titanium on photosynthetic characteristics of soybean under light and shade conditions
    4.4.Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters
    4.5.Total soluble sugar content
    4.6.Effect of titanium application on the chlorophyll content and carotenoids
    4.7.Effect of titanium application on the leaf area, leaf thickness and photosynthetic rate
    4.8.Effect of Ti application on chloroplast structure
    4.9.Effect of titanium application on the chlorophyll fluorescence
    4.10.Effect of titanium application on the biomass and distribution
    4.11.Effect of titanium application on the root morphology
    4.12.Titanium uptake and distribution under light and shade
    4.13.Agronomic Parameters
    4.14.Effect of Ti on Chlorophyll contents
    4.15.Effect of Ti on final yield of the intercropping soybean
    4.16.Effect of Ti on Total Protein Content of soybean seeds
5 Discussion
    5.1.Effect of ionic titanium on root morphology
    5.2.Effect of ionic Ti on stem resistance
    5.3.Effect of ionic Ti on leaf morphology and anatomical structure
    5.4.Effect of ionic Ti on chlorophyll dynamics
    5.5.Effect of Ti on chlorophyll fluorescence and chloroplast ultrastructure
    5.6.Effect of ionic Ti on photosynthesis
    5.7.Effect of ionic Ti on soluble sugar and total protein content
    5.8.Effect of ionic Ti on biomass
    5.9.Effect of ionic Ti on grain yield of soybean
6 Conclusions
7 Future perspective
Research Contribution


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