本文关键词:胡适、冯友兰、金岳霖的逻辑方法研究 出处:《黑龙江大学》2009年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 20世纪是中国哲学向现代化转型的时代,也是中国哲学体系重建的时期。中国传统价值体系在现代的处境下,伴随着两千多年封建帝制的废除而面临解体,西方先进科学文化也伴随着他们的侵略涌入中国。面对中西文化的激烈碰撞和国力的绝对悬殊,中国哲学家们也从最初的惊恐和拒斥,逐渐开始对中国传统文化与西方现代文化进行比较和反思。在这一艰辛而又动荡的过程中,人们迷茫过、痛苦过、失望过,但最终坚定了一个信念,即所谓中西文化的碰撞和冲突,不仅仅是地域问题,也不仅仅是民族问题,更是一种时代问题,因此,中国的现代化刻不容缓,我们必须转变观念,抛开芥蒂,以一种积极进取的心态去促成中国无论是社会还是文化的现代化转型。 中国近现代的哲学家们都将中国哲学现代化寄希望于逻辑方法的引入和运用,胡适、冯友兰、金岳霖三位哲学家的学术生涯就是逻辑方法在中国落地生根的缩影。他们不仅仅把逻辑方法作为一种专业知识进行宣扬,更赋予逻辑方法以艰巨的历史使命。胡适、冯友兰、金岳霖以济世救国的伟大情怀,为中华民族的振兴、传统文化的传承筚路蓝缕,殚精竭虑。他们以逻辑方法为武器,努力进行着解释中国风云变幻的政治局面、解决纷繁复杂的社会问题、诠释花果飘零的传统思想、挖掘逐渐掩埋的文化精神、创建科学现代的哲学体系等现代化的尝试。 因此,本文以逻辑方法为主线再现三位哲学家的学术成果,对比他们思想中由于方法的同异而展现出的契合与疏离,凸显他们为中国文化的现代化转型所做出的重大贡献,更要以此全面透视中国近现代逻辑方法的展开方式,思索体现理性之逻辑方法的当代价值等问题。
[Abstract]:Twentieth Century is the transformation of Chinese philosophy to the modern times, the reconstruction of China philosophy period. Chinese traditional value system in the modern situation, accompanied by the abolition of the feudal monarchy two thousand years while facing the disintegration of western advanced science and technology, is also accompanied by their aggressive influx of Chinese. Facing the fierce collision between Chinese and Western culture and the absolute strength the poor, China philosophers from the initial fear and rejection, gradually began to compare and reflect China traditional culture and modern western culture. In this process the hardships and turmoil in people, confusion, pain, disappointment, but ultimately a conviction, the so-called cultural collision and conflict and it is not just the geographical problem, also is not only the national problem, is a problem of age, therefore, it Chinese modernization, we must change the idea, set aside a grudge, A positive attitude to promote the modernization of China's society and culture.
Chinese modern philosophers will introduce modern philosophy China in the hope that the logical method and the use of Hu Shi, Feng Youlan, Jin Yuelin, the epitome of the three philosophers academic career is logical method in Chinese. They not only have air plant logic method as a kind of professional knowledge that gives more logical method to arduous historical mission. Hu Shi, Feng Youlan, Jin Yuelin embodies the great feelings of saving the nation, for the revitalization of the Chinese nation, the traditional cultural heritage. Their pioneering work, leave no stone unturned on logic method for weapons, efforts in explaining Chinese amidst the winds of change political situation, to solve the complicated social problems, the traditional interpretation of thought and wandering, the cultural spirit of mining gradually buried try to create a modern, scientific philosophy system modernization.
Therefore, this paper uses the logic method as the main representation of the three philosophers academic achievements, comparing their thoughts because of different methods fit the show and alienation, they made great contribution to highlight the cultural Chinese for modernization transformation, but also start the way to China perspective modern logic comprehensive method, logic thinking embodied the method of rational contemporary value.
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