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发布时间:2018-01-27 22:55

  本文关键词: 民主党派 民主监督 新时期 中国共产党 出处:《河北师范大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:我国已初步建立了全方位的监督体系,其中包括蕴含在中国政党制度中的民主监督。在中国共产党处于执政党地位,民主党派处于参政党地位的情况下,民主党派的民主监督具有特别重要的意义。民主党派的民主监督不仅是我国监督制度的一个鲜明特点,更是我国政治制度的一个优点。但在现实运作中,这一政治资源并没有得到充分运用。充分发挥民主党派的民主监督职能,不仅对于民主党派的存继具有特别的意义,更是社会主义政治文明建设的要求。在我国的政治传统中一直存在着重视权力运行而轻视权力监督的倾向,其中,民主党派民主监督的弱化就是表现形式之一。因此,加强对民主党派的民主监督研究,不仅具有实践意义,更具有理论意义。 本文通过在对民主监督概念进行辨析的基础上,分析民主党派民主监督现状和存在的问题,进而在我国现实政治制度的框架内寻求完善民主党派民主监督效果的可行性对策思路。全文共分三大部分。第一部分主要介绍民主监督的内涵、性质和特点;第二部分分析民主监督运行中存在的问题及原因;第三部分提出完善民主党派民主监督的对策思路。 本文以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为指导思想,在具体的研究过程中,采用了规范研究和经验分析相结合的方法,借鉴系统论、结构功能主义理论,从政治学的角度对当前多党合作条件下的民主监督进行了研究。基本思路是以合法性理论及公共选择理论推演出民主党派民主监督的重要性和必要性,然后对当前民主监督运行情况作总体考察、审视民主监督运行中存在的问题及原因,以期找到完善民主监督的对策思路。
[Abstract]:China has initially established a comprehensive supervision system, including democratic supervision contained in the Chinese political party system, in the case of the Communist Party of China in the position of the ruling party and the democratic party in the status of participating in the political party. Democratic supervision of democratic parties is of special significance. Democratic supervision of democratic parties is not only a distinct feature of our supervisory system, but also an advantage of our political system. This political resource has not been fully utilized. It is not only of special significance for the survival of democratic parties to give full play to the democratic supervisory function of democratic parties. It is also the requirement of the construction of socialist political civilization. In the political tradition of our country, there has always been a tendency to attach importance to the operation of power and despise the supervision of power, among which. The weakening of democratic supervision of democratic parties is one of the forms, therefore, strengthening the research on democratic supervision of democratic parties is not only of practical significance, but also of theoretical significance. Based on the analysis of the concept of democratic supervision, this paper analyzes the present situation and existing problems of democratic party's democratic supervision. Then, within the framework of our country's realistic political system, we seek the feasible countermeasures to perfect the democratic party's democratic supervision effect. The thesis is divided into three parts: the first part mainly introduces the connotation, nature and characteristics of democratic supervision; The second part analyzes the problems and causes in the operation of democratic supervision. The third part puts forward the countermeasures to perfect democratic party's democratic supervision. This article takes dialectical materialism and historical materialism as the guiding ideology, in the concrete research process, has adopted the standard research and the experience analysis method, uses for reference the system theory, the structural functionalism theory. This paper studies the democratic supervision under the condition of multi-party cooperation from the angle of political science. The basic idea is to deduce the importance and necessity of democratic supervision of democratic parties based on legitimacy theory and public choice theory. Then it makes a general investigation on the current situation of democratic supervision, examines the existing problems and reasons in the operation of democratic supervision, and hopes to find out the countermeasures to perfect democratic supervision.


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