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发布时间:2018-01-31 14:28

  本文关键词: 秦代法制教育 中国特色社会主义法制教育 出处:《西南大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:建国君民,教育为先。法制教育的落脚点在教育。教育究竟是什么?学界历来众说纷纭。本研究认为,教育是一种综合的系统的培养人的工具,这种工具在主要的时、空及程度上由掌握着主导资源、武装力量等社会支配性资源的统治集团控制,但其也具有一定的独立性。以法制为主要内容而开展的学校专门教育和社会教育即为法制教育。它兼具法制和教育两个维度,分别涉及到人类文明中最有效率和最为深刻的两种文化,在人类社会发展历程中起着极其重要的作用。研究秦代法制教育,可以为正在到来的二十一世纪二三十年代中国法制教育提供历史的资鉴和理论的思考,为中国特色的社会主义法制教育提供有益的启示。 以此为出发点,本研究主要以秦代(包括秦统一以前秦国时期)的法制教育状况为研究对象,从其工具效能、施教主动权、内容、手段和形式、教育的对象及其背后的利益、价值权衡与选择等方面对秦代法制教育进行了研究和阐述,并在此基础上提出其对中国特色社会主义法制教育的借鉴意义。 全文除前言和结语外共分为六个部分: 前言主要阐述了本研究的研究对象及主要问题、研究缘起、研究目的及意义价值、文献综述、研究创新点、重点及难点、研究思路、研究方法及研究进度等。 正文的第一部分为:秦代以法治国与法制教育的工具效能。选取了商鞅变法与徙木立信、范睢用法制教育助推“远交近攻”、李斯将法家思想贯彻到各种制度和社会关系中等三个点,阐述了秦代法制教育的工具效能。 第二部分为:吏师制度与博士制度,统治者以此控制法制教育施教主动权。分吏师制度与官吏的培养使用和博士制度在控制法制教育施教主动权上的双面性等两方面进行阐述。 第三部分为:秦代法制教育的内容、手段和形式,以促进立法、司法、守法为目的。 第四部分为:秦代法制教育的对象与以法治国的民众基础。 第五部分为:秦代法制教育效果及其背后的利益、价值权衡与选择之分析。分为秦代法制教育的效果、追求统治利益的最大化是统治者施行法制教育的首要选择和法制教育先天的独立性使统治者无法抛开自由、公平、秩序等法的价值等三个方面。 第六部分为:秦代法制教育对中国特色社会主义法制教育的借鉴意义。主要分析了秦代法制教育与中国特色社会主义法制教育的可比性与不可比性,并论述了三方面意义:法制教育是一个非常重要的治国理政工具,关乎国之兴衰,在改革急剧推进的年代更是必须重视法制教育,为体制改革培养民众基础;法制教育的内容、形式等受到社会各种力量、利益对比的影响,要慎重、科学地加以选择和利用;由法制教育到法治教育是法制教育的必由之路,最大限度地实现法的自由、秩序、公平等基本价值是法制教育的逻辑归宿。 结语列陈了法制教育在培养人上的工具性质,秦代法制教育的三种形式,以秦君为首的统治集团为最终施教主体的法制教育的状貌概述及施教者、内容、形式手段、受教者、工具持有者等五要素间的关系概括,秦代法制教育对中国特色社会主义法制教育的主要借鉴意义等结论性内容,指出了本研究今后继续努力的方向和空间。
[Abstract]:This research believes that education is one of the most efficient and profound culture in human civilization . It has two dimensions of legal system and education . It also has two dimensions of legal system and education . It has the most efficient and profound culture in human civilization . It also has important role in the course of human society development . Based on this , this study focuses on the study and elaboration of the legal education of the Qin Dynasty ( including the Qin period before Qin unification ) , from the aspects of its tool efficiency , teaching initiative , content , means and form , the object of education and its interests , value - trade and choice . On the basis of this , it puts forward its reference significance to the socialist legal education with Chinese characteristics . The full text is divided into six parts in addition to the preface and the conclusion : The preface mainly expounds the object and main problems of the research , the research reasons , the research purpose and the significance value , the literature review , the research innovation point , the focus and the difficulties , the research thinking , the research method and the research progress . The first part of the text is : Qin Dynasty takes the power of the rule of law country and the legal education . The second part is : the system and the doctor ' s system , the rulers take the initiative to control the legal education . The system of the division officials and the training and use of the officials and the doctor ' s system are expounded in the control of the double - sided character of the legal education administration initiative . The third part is : the contents , means and forms of legal education in the Qin Dynasty , so as to promote the aim of legislation , justice and law - abiding . The fourth part is divided into : the object of legal education in the Qin Dynasty and the public foundation of the country with the rule of law . The fifth part is the analysis of the effect of the legal education in the Qin Dynasty and the interests , the value - trade and the choice behind it . It is divided into three aspects : the effect of the legal education in the Qin Dynasty , the maximization of the pursuit of the rule benefit , the first choice of the ruler to carry out the legal education and the independence of the innate independence of the legal education , which makes the ruler unable to throw away the value of the law such as freedom , fairness and order . The sixth part is divided into : the significance of the legal education of the Qin Dynasty to the socialist legal education with Chinese characteristics . It mainly analyzes the comparability and comparability of the legal education of the Qin Dynasty and the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics , and discusses the three aspects : the legal education is a very important rule of law education . It is necessary for the reform to cultivate the public foundation ; the content and form of the legal education should be carefully and scientifically selected and utilized ; the basic value of the law education to the rule of law education is the only way to educate the legal system . This paper summarizes the relationship between the legal education of Qin Jun and the five elements , such as teacher , content , form means , subject and tool holder , and points out the direction and space of continuing efforts in the future .



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