本文选题:彭真 切入点:法制思想 出处:《湖南科技大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:彭真作为中国共产党第二代领导集体的主要成员之一,长期主管新中国特别是改革开放以来我国的政法工作,其法制思想在中国共产党人的法律观中具有承前启后的作用。彭真的法制思想是我国社会主义法制思想的重要组成部分,是我们党和人民宝贵的精神财富。当前,我国正致力于实施依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家的基本方略。新的形势和任务要求我们对彭真法制思想作更加全面、更加深入、更加系统的研究。彭真的法制思想具有十分重要的理论价值和现实意义。 本论文试图运用马克思主义法学理论的立场、观点和方法,在充分占有资料借鉴、吸收国内研究成果的基础上,考察和研究彭真法制思想的主要内容及其对我国当代法治建设的重要启示。历史是一面镜子,认真总结彭真法制思想的主要内容,挖掘其现实意义,对于实施依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家的基本方略,构建社会主义和谐社会具有极大的推动和促进作用。本文绪论部分主要分析选题的缘由和研究意义、学术界的研究现状、研究的主要内容和方法等。第一部分,主要对彭真法制思想形成的条件和背景进行概述,阐述彭真法制思想形成的理论来源、实践历程和主观条件。第二部分,从彭真的依法办事思想、立法思想、执法思想、司法思想和法律监督思想五个方面详细介绍彭真法制思想的主要内容。第三部分,重点阐明彭真的法制思想对我国当代法治建设的重要启示。文章最后简单概括和总结彭真的法制思想,并对其做出相应的评价。
[Abstract]:Peng Zhen, as one of the main members of the second generation leading collective of the Communist Party of China, has been in charge of the political and legal work in New China, especially since the reform and opening up. Peng's legal thought is an important part of the socialist legal thought of our country, and is the precious spiritual wealth of our party and people. Our country is committed to implementing the basic strategy of governing the country according to law and building a socialist country ruled by law. The new situation and tasks require us to make a more comprehensive and in-depth study of Peng Zhen's legal thinking. More systematic research. Peng real legal thought has very important theoretical value and practical significance. This paper attempts to use the position, viewpoint and method of Marxist legal theory, on the basis of fully possessing the data for reference and absorbing the domestic research achievements. To investigate and study the main contents of Peng Zhen's legal thought and its important enlightenment to the construction of contemporary rule of law in our country. History is a mirror, which summarizes the main content of Peng Zhen's legal thought, excavates its realistic significance, and is of great importance to the implementation of governing the country by law. The basic strategy of building a socialist country ruled by law and the construction of a harmonious socialist society play a great role in promoting and promoting. The main contents and methods of the study are as follows: the first part summarizes the forming conditions and background of Peng Zhen's legal thought, and expounds the theoretical origin, practice course and subjective condition of Peng Zhen's legal thought formation. The main contents of Peng Zhen's legal thought are introduced in detail from five aspects of Peng's real thought of handling affairs according to law, legislative thought, law enforcement thought, judicial thought and legal supervision thought. Part three, This paper mainly expounds the important enlightenment of Peng Zhen's legal thought to the construction of the contemporary rule of law in our country. At the end of the article, it briefly summarizes and summarizes Peng's real legal thought, and makes a corresponding evaluation on it.
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