本文选题:民主政治 切入点:公民意识 出处:《合肥工业大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 党的十七大报告对我国社会主义民主政治建设提出了新的要求,明确指出首先要“扩大人民民主,保证人民当家作主”。其次要“积极推进党内民主建设”。十七大还对发展社会主义民主政治的重心提出了非常清晰的思路,这就是要着眼于基层民主。新要求对社会主义民主政治的参与主体——公民的政治素质提出了更高的要求,因此进行公民意识教育,增强全社会每一个人的公民意识,树立社会主义民主法治、自由平等、公平正义的理念,无疑是扩大人民民主、发展社会主义民主政治的重要支撑。大学生这一特殊群体是我国社会主义民主政治的重要实践主体,增强大学生公民意识,对我国整体公民意思的培养提供了良好的示范作用,对我国民主政治建设具有重要的推动作用。 本文针对目前我国大学生公民意识的存在现状进行分析,找出我国大学生总体公民意识不强的原因,并以此为据从加强学校公民意识教育、优化公民意识教育环境、充分利用网络资源和完善政治体制等几个方面强化我国大学生公民意识的培养,为建设社会主义民主政治培养合格的公民。 本文共分三个部分: 第一部分:界定民主、民主政治的含义以及社会主义民主政治的主要内容,阐述党的十七大报告对社会主义民主政治提出的新要求,并指出加强公民意识教育,发展具有中国特色的社会主义民主政治; 第二部分:对公民及公民意识进行概念和内涵上的界定,分析大学生公民意识教育与社会主义民主政治建设之间的关系,梳理目前我国大学生公民意识现状,分析大学生公民意识所存在的问题,阐明大学生公民意识缺失的主要原因; 第三部分:以发展社会主义民主政治为目标,提出加强大学生公民意识教育的主要策略和思路:建立和完善学校公民意识培养体系;优化大学生公民意识培养的校园环境和社会环境;充分利用网络资源,使网络成为大学生公民意识培育的另一课堂;完善公民参与民主政治的制度,在参与民主政治生活的过程中逐渐强化大学生的公民意识。
[Abstract]:The report of the 17th National Congress of the CPC put forward new requirements for the construction of socialist democratic politics in China, and clearly pointed out that first of all, we should "expand people's democracy," To ensure that the people are masters of their own affairs. "secondly, it is necessary to" actively promote the building of democracy within the Party. "the 17th National Congress also put forward very clear ideas on the focus of developing socialist democratic politics. This is to focus on grass-roots democracy. The new requirements put forward higher demands on the political quality of citizens, the main participants in socialist democratic politics. Therefore, we should carry out civic awareness education and enhance the civic awareness of everyone in the whole society. The concept of socialist democracy and the rule of law, freedom and equality, fairness and justice is undoubtedly the expansion of people's democracy. College students are the important practical subjects of socialist democratic politics in our country. Strengthening the citizen consciousness of college students provides a good demonstration for the cultivation of the whole citizen's meaning in our country. It plays an important role in promoting the construction of democratic politics in our country. This paper analyzes the existing situation of the citizen consciousness of college students in our country, finds out the reason why the general citizen consciousness of college students in our country is not strong, and takes this as the basis to strengthen the education of citizen consciousness in school and optimize the educational environment of citizen consciousness. We should make full use of network resources and perfect political system to strengthen the cultivation of college students' civic consciousness and train qualified citizens for the construction of socialist democratic politics. This paper is divided into three parts:. The first part: defining democracy, the meaning of democratic politics and the main contents of socialist democratic politics, expounding the new requirements for socialist democratic politics put forward in the report of the 17th National Congress of the Party, and pointing out that the education of civic consciousness should be strengthened. Developing socialist democratic politics with Chinese characteristics; The second part: define the concept and connotation of citizen and citizen consciousness, analyze the relationship between citizen consciousness education of college students and socialist democratic political construction, and sort out the present situation of citizen consciousness of college students in our country. This paper analyzes the problems existing in college students' civic consciousness, and clarifies the main reasons for the lack of college students' civic consciousness. The third part: to develop socialist democratic politics as the goal, put forward the main strategies and ideas to strengthen the civic awareness education of college students: to establish and improve the school civic awareness training system; To optimize the campus environment and social environment for the cultivation of college students' civic consciousness, to make full use of the network resources, to make the network become another classroom for the cultivation of college students' civic consciousness, to perfect the system of citizen participation in democratic politics, In the process of participating in democratic political life, the citizen consciousness of college students is gradually strengthened.
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