本文选题:中国大学生 + 社会主义民主 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Socialist democracy is in line with the actual development of China's history, is a broad and true democracy. It is such an effective democratic system and practice that has promoted the rapid development of socialist democratic politics with Chinese characteristics. Contemporary college students are the indispensable force for the future development of China. They shoulder the mission, shoulder the heavy responsibility, place the hope of the country and the people, and represent the future of the Chinese nation. The youth is strong, the country is stronger, and the youth is stronger. "Democracy" is written into the socialist core values of our country, and all circles of the society propagandize it vigorously, so that the people can realize the importance of democracy again. According to the characteristics of school running and campus culture, colleges and universities have carried out democratic education in accordance with China's development reality and various forms, from theory to practice, to meet the needs of teaching curriculum reform and the demands of students' all-round development. In order to keep the characteristic of democratic education keeping pace with the times, the school continuously consummates the teaching system, the teacher improves the personal teaching skill unceasingly, the teaching method is innovated, and unremitting efforts are made to promote the all-round development of college students. The first part, introduction. This paper introduces the background and significance of the selected topic, the current situation and comments on the research of socialist democratic education for college students, the research ideas and methods, the innovations and shortcomings, and so on. The second part is an overview of socialist democracy education for Chinese college students. China's difficult exploration of democracy, the pursuit of democracy, the struggle for democracy, the construction of socialist democracy, and the formation of a socialist democratic political system with Chinese characteristics. This paper straightens out the connotation and characteristics of socialist democracy, and expounds the main contents, notable features and basic laws of college students' socialist democratic education. The third part, the status quo of socialist democracy education for Chinese college students. The Party and the state strongly advocate the concept of democracy and encourage college students to cultivate and practice democratic values. This part analyzes the achievements, problems and causes of socialist democracy education of college students. The fourth part, the Chinese university student socialism democracy education concrete countermeasure. To solve the problems existing in college students' socialist democratic education, this paper puts forward some reasonable countermeasures. Mainly through the promotion of more democratic teacher-student relations, the construction of a good atmosphere on democratic campuses, the use of public opinion to strengthen democratic education, the improvement of institutional safeguards, and the emphasis on carrying out democratic practical activities and other specific countermeasures. We will further strengthen socialist democratic education for college students and encourage them to participate in democratic practice. Strengthen the democratic education for students, strengthen the inner motive force for students to actively participate in democratic practice, and ensure the steady progress of democratic process. To sum up, macroscopically, under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee, we should carry out in-depth education on socialist democracy and actively create a stable social environment and an atmosphere of public opinion conducive to the all-round development of college students. In the course of socialist democratic education, we should pay attention to the needs of students in their study and life. Therefore, socialist democratic education should be carried out to guide college students to establish democratic concept and participate in democratic practice. We firmly believe that with the continuous advancement of China's socialist democratic process, it will provide a better environment and more resources for college students' socialist democratic education, and will continue to write a new chapter for the development of socialist democracy in China.
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