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发布时间:2018-06-12 09:29

  本文选题:水代法 + 浙江红花油茶 ; 参考:《中南林业科技大学》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】:茶油(Camellia oil)作为我国特有的食用油,其营养价值和保健功用已为人们所熟知。随着人们生活水平的提高,广大消费者对具有保健作用的茶油必然越来越关注,所以,生产高品质的茶油已成为必要。不同的品种和制取方法对于茶油品质有一定的影响,所以,好的油茶品种和适当的制油方法有利于提高茶油的品质。浙江红花油茶(Camellia chekiangoleosa Hu.)属山茶科山茶属,是一种集庭院园林观赏和种仁可榨取食用油双重功能于一体的树种。一般适宜生长在温暖湿润地区海拔600-1200米的山区,主要分布在浙江省境内,另外,在福建、江西、湖北和安徽也有分布。浙江红花油茶的种植面积和年产量居全国油茶种类的第四位,其含油率和脂肪酸组成均优于普通油茶,是一种较佳的木本食用油料树种。水代法制油符合安全、营养、绿色的要求,对环境污染少,成本低。油茶籽脱壳可实现机械化,且油茶籽仁含油量高,属软质油料,适合于水代法取油。另外,大量研究表明,茶油香气和脂肪酸组成成分与油脂品质有密切联系。因此,研究浙江红花油茶的水代法制油工艺,弄清该茶油的香气和油脂主要组成成分,对提高茶油品质和保障消费者健康有着重要的意义。 本课题采用浙江红花油茶籽为原材料,采用水代法制油,并且通过对该法制取的油脂进行感官评定实验、常规指标的检测、香气成分和脂肪酸成分的测定,进而对该油脂进行品质分析。反映茶油品质的重要指标如下:①茶油原材料——油茶籽的经济性状;②茶油香气;③常规指标;④脂肪酸组成。本文具体内容及基本结论如下: (1)根据国标测定浙江红花油茶籽的千粒重、出仁率、含油率、含水量等经济性状,通过与普通油茶籽的各项经济性状指标进行对比,证明了浙江红花油茶是一种优于普通油茶的食用油料树种。 (2)将干燥的茶籽仁切成薄片,170℃焙烤10 min。准确称取焙烤后的茶籽仁10.00 g,磨碎后加一定比例的水,在不同温度下恒温水浴振荡(160 r/min)一定时间。然后在4000 r/min下离心10 min,吸去上层清油并称重。再吸去乳化层和水层,得浆渣,于55℃下烘12h后测残油率。单因素试验设计为:以水料比3:1(v/m),提取温度40℃,提取时间90 min和pH 8.0,作为基本条件,在改变其中一个条件的情况下保持另外三个条件不变而进行单因素试验。以提油率和清油收率为指标,通过该试验得到了浙江红花油茶水代法制油工艺的工艺条件:提取温度60℃,提取时间120 min,水料比3:1(v/m)和pH 9.0,经3次平行试验验证,该结论具有一定的可靠性。试验中,提油率最高可达到79.27%,清油收率达到84.83%。另外,本试验还发现油茶籽前处理中的焙烤环节不仅对提油率有影响,对所提取茶油的香气影响很大:经焙烤过的油茶籽所提取的茶油香气浓郁,清新,有较纯正的茶油特征香气;未经焙烤前处理的茶油香气清淡,并带有青草味。 (3)对水代法制得的浙江红花油茶籽油进行感官鉴定实验,并将测定结果参照国标得出如下结论:实验中水代法提取的浙江红花油茶籽油符合标准植物油感官要求,具有植物油正常的色泽、透明度、气味,无焦臭、酸败及其他异味,气味和透明度这两项指标符合一级压榨茶油的标准,气味嗅觉在茶油等级中为极好。 对该茶籽油的水分及挥发物、酸值、过氧化值、K值、皂化值等各项常规指标进行测定,并将测定结果参照国标得出如下结论:水代法提取的浙江红花油茶籽油除了水分及挥发物这项指标外,其他指标均符合符合一级压榨茶油的标准。另外,浙江红花油茶籽油皂化值的测定结果说明浙江红花油茶籽油小中分子量的脂肪酸含量比标准茶油高。 (4)本实验以水代法制得的浙江红花油茶籽油为原料,通过HS-SPME方法结合GC分析技术对该茶油香气成分进行研究。优化了HS-SPME对茶油香气的萃取条件,并对萃取后GC的实验结果进行分析。以总峰面积、总峰面积与峰数比值、峰数及主要挥发物质峰面积为评价指标,研究了搅拌速度、吸附时间、解析温度及时间对茶油中香气物质萃取效果的影响,最终优化条件为:称取1.00g油样,40℃下以100r/min搅拌速度,顶空萃取25 min,之后在260℃下解析5min。另外对方法的可靠性进行了评价:研究所选定的11种标准品在表中列出的含量范围内具有良好的线性,相关系数(R2)在0.8543-0.9989间;各标准品的检测限在0.14ng/g-79.78ng/g间;‘本方法对茶油样品的加标回收率在91.70%-107.71%之间,平均值为98.87%;在重复性实验中,111种标准品在经7次连续检测中的RSD范围在2.46%~4.84%,可见该方法具有较好的可操作性。 通过GC分析技术,对浙江油茶籽油和普通茶油的11种主要香气组分进行定性定量分析。该11种香气标准品为乙酸乙酯、苯甲醛、正壬醇、辛醛、壬醛、4-甲基-2-戊酮、乙酸丁酯、正辛醇、正丁醇、1-己醇、1-庚醇。实验结果表明:两种不同茶油的香气11种主成分含量相近,但具体浓度均有差异。 (5)通过GC检测技术,对浙江油茶籽油和普通茶油的脂肪酸组分进行分析,浙江红花油茶籽油的脂肪酸组成和普通茶油基本一致,主要化学成分为油酸,但是存在一些差异:①浙江红花油茶籽油中油酸(C18:1)、亚油酸(C18:2)、肉豆蔻酸(C14:0)、木蜡酸(C24:0)在脂肪酸中的相对含量偏高;②浙江红花油茶籽油中检测出少量的花生酸(C20:0)和亚麻酸(C18:3),而普通茶油中并未检出。③浙江红花油茶籽油中棕榈酸(C16:0)、硬脂酸(C18:0)、二十二酸(C22:0)、二十二碳一烯酸(C22:1)在脂肪酸中的相对含量比普通油茶低;④浙江红花油茶籽油中不饱和脂肪酸的总含量比普通茶油高;⑤浙江红花油茶籽油中饱和脂肪酸的总含量比普通茶油低。对二种茶油脂肪酸组分对比分析可知,浙江红花油茶籽油的脂肪酸组成优于普通茶油。 本文研究结果对于促进茶油生产工艺的改进,提高茶油品质,满足广大消费者的高品质茶油需求都具有十分重要的意义。
[Abstract]:As a special edible oil in China, Camellia oil is well known for its nutritional value and health function. With the improvement of people's living standards, the consumers are bound to pay more and more attention to the health-care tea oil. Therefore, it is necessary to produce high quality tea oil. Different varieties and methods are used for the quality of tea oil. It has a certain influence, so the good oil tea varieties and proper oil making methods are beneficial to improve the quality of the tea oil. The Camellia chekiangoleosa Hu. (Camellia chekiangoleosa) belongs to the genus Camellia. It is a kind of tree species which combines garden ornamental ornamental and kernel to extract edible oil. It is generally suitable for growing in the warm and humid areas. 600-1200 meters of mountain area, mainly distributed in Zhejiang Province, in addition, in Fujian, Jiangxi, Hubei and Anhui are also distributed. The planting area and annual output of the Zhejiang safflower oil tea is fourth in the national oil tea species, its oil content and fatty acid composition are superior to the common oil tea. It is a better woody edible oil tree. Safety, nutrition, green demand, low pollution to the environment, low cost. Camellia seed shelling can be mechanized, and oil tea seed kernel oil content is high, belongs to soft oil, suitable for water generation oil extraction. In addition, a large number of studies show that tea oil aroma and fatty acid composition and oil quality are closely related. Therefore, the water generation of Zhejiang safflower oil tea is studied. It is of great significance to improve the quality of tea oil and ensure the health of consumers.
This subject uses Zhejiang safflower oil tea seed as the raw material, uses water generation method oil, and through the sensory evaluation experiment of the oil and oil obtained by this method, the detection of conventional index, the determination of aroma components and fatty acid composition, and then the quality analysis of the oil. The important indexes reflecting the quality of tea oil are as follows: 1. Tea oil raw material - The economic characters of Camellia oleifera seed; second, aroma of tea oil; 3. Routine index; 4. Fatty acid composition.
(1) according to the national standard, the thousand grain weight of Zhejiang safflower tea seed, the kernel rate, the oil content and the water content are compared with the economic characters of the common oil tea seed. It is proved that the Zhejiang safflower oil tea is a kind of edible oil tree superior to the common oil tea.
(2) cut the dried tea seed kernel into thin slices, roasting 10 min. at 170 C and accurately called the baked tea seed kernel 10 g, after grinding and adding a certain proportion of water, the constant temperature water bath oscillates at a certain time at different temperatures (160 r/min). Then the centrifugal 10 min is centrifuged under 4000 r/min, and the upper layer and the water are sucked to the emulsified layer and water layer, and the pulp slag is obtained at 55. The residual oil rate was measured after 12h drying. The single factor test was designed as follows: the extraction temperature was 40 degrees centigrade, the extraction time was 90 min and pH 8. As the basic condition, the single factor test was carried out to keep the other three conditions unchanged under the condition of changing one of the conditions. The oil extraction rate and the oil yield were taken as the index, and the Zhejiang Province was obtained by this experiment. The technological conditions of the water generation process of river saffron oil tea oil tea: extraction temperature 60 C, extraction time 120 min, water material ratio 3:1 (v/m) and pH 9. After 3 parallel tests, this conclusion has certain reliability. In the experiment, the highest oil extraction rate is up to 79.27%, the oil yield reaches 84.83%., and the roasting in the pre treatment of camellia seed is also found in this experiment. The roasting link not only affects the oil extraction rate, but also has a great influence on the aroma of the extracted tea oil: the tea oil extracted from the roasted camellia seed oil has a strong aroma, fresh and pure flavor of the tea oil; the aroma of the tea oil treated before baking is light and has a green grass flavor.
(3) the sensory evaluation experiment of Zhejiang safflower oil tea seed oil obtained by water generation method was carried out, and the results were drawn as follows: the Zhejiang safflower oil tea seed oil extracted by water generation method accords with the standard plant oil sensory requirements, and has the normal color, brightness, odor, no odour, rancidity and other odor, odor and odor of the vegetable oil. These two indicators of transparency are in line with the standard of first grade tea oil. The smell and smell are excellent in the grade of tea oil.
The moisture and volatiles of the tea seed oil, the acid value, the peroxide value, the K value, the saponification value and so on were measured, and the results were drawn as follows: in addition to the water and volatiles, the Zhejiang safflower oil tea seed oil extracted by water generation method were in conformity with the standard of the first grade pressing tea oil. The saponification value of Zhejiang safflower oil camellia seed oil showed that the fatty acid content of small medium molecular weight of Zhejiang safflower oil seed oil was higher than that of standard camellia seed oil.
(4) in this experiment, Zhejiang safflower oil tea seed oil obtained by water generation method was used as the raw material. The aroma components of the tea oil were studied by HS-SPME method and GC analysis technology. The extraction conditions of the aroma of the tea oil were optimized and the experimental results of the GC were analyzed. The total peak area, the ratio of the total peak area to the peak number, the number of peak and the main volatiles were carried out. The effect of stirring speed, adsorption time, and time on the extraction effect of aroma substances in tea oil was studied. The final optimization conditions were called 1.00G oil sample, 100r/min stirring at 40 C and 25 min by headspace extraction, and then the reliability of the method was evaluated at 260 degrees C, and the reliability of the method was evaluated. Price: the 11 standard products selected by the Institute have good linearity in the range of contents listed in the table, the correlation coefficient (R2) is in the 0.8543-0.9989; the detection limit of each standard is between 0.14ng/g-79.78ng/g; 'the recovery rate of this method to the tea oil samples is between the 91.70%-107.71%, the average value is 98.87%; in the repeatability experiment, 111 The range of RSD in 7 continuous tests is 2.46% to 4.84%, which shows that this method has good operability.
The 11 main aroma components of Zhejiang oil tea seed oil and common tea oil were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively by GC analysis. The 11 standard aroma components were ethyl acetate, benzaldehyde, n-nonyl alcohol, symplecal aldehyde, nonaldehyde, 4- methyl -2- amyl ketone, butyl acetate, n-octanol, n-butanol, 1- hexanol, and 1- heptanol. The experimental results showed that the aroma of two different tea oils was 1. The contents of the 1 principal components were similar, but the specific concentrations were different.
(5) through the GC detection technology, the fatty acid components of Zhejiang oil tea seed oil and common tea oil are analyzed. The fatty acid composition of Zhejiang safflower oil tea seed oil is basically the same as ordinary tea oil, the main chemical composition is oleic acid, but there are some differences: (1) the oleic acid (C18:1), linoleic acid (C18:2) and myristic acid (C14) in Zhejiang safflower oil tea seed oil. 0), the relative content of paraffin acid (C24:0) in fatty acids is high; (2) a small amount of arachidic acid (C20:0) and linolenic acid (C18:3) are detected in Zhejiang safflower oil tea seed oil, but not in ordinary tea oil. (3) palmitic acid (C16:0), stearic acid (C18:0), twenty-two acid (C22:0), twenty-two carthonic acid (C22) in safflower oil tea seed oil (C22). 1) the relative content of the fatty acid in the fatty acid is lower than that of the ordinary oil tea; (4) the total content of unsaturated fatty acids in Zhejiang safflower oil tea seed oil is higher than that of ordinary tea oil; 5. The total content of saturated fatty acids in Zhejiang safflower oil tea seed oil is lower than that of ordinary tea oil. The fatty acid of Zhejiang safflower oil tea seed oil can be found out by the analysis of the ratio of fatty acids to the oil of Camellia oleifera. The composition is superior to the common tea oil.
The results of this study are of great significance for promoting the improvement of tea oil production technology, improving the quality of tea oil and meeting the demand of high quality tea oil for the majority of consumers.


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