[Abstract]:The research content of this paper is summarized as the construction of the system of public selection of cadres in our country. Specifically, from the point of view of openness of government affairs and democratic rule of law (public participation), the research contents are divided into the following aspects: the first part is an overview of the rule of law of the system of public selection of cadres. This paper first introduces the basic elements and connotations of the rule of law in administration, then expounds the basic requirements and practical significance of the issue, and then focuses on the relationship between the openness of government affairs and democratic politics and the system of public selection of cadres. The second section is the theory of open government affairs, the third part is the theory of public participation. The second part is to introduce the relevant historical experience and foreign advanced experience of leading cadres selection, and to sum up and summarize the experiences and lessons of the rule of law construction of the system of public selection of cadres in our country. The first section discusses from the Sui Dynasty, then introduces the development of imperial examination system, and finally summarizes and analyzes the ancient talent selection system in China. The second part introduces the experience and lessons of the former Soviet Union, western countries and developing countries. The third part is to expound the present situation of the system of public selection of cadres in our country and the latest policy spirit of the country, and analyze the defects and shortcomings of the system of ruling by law. This paper first introduces the development course of the system of public selection of cadres in our country, and then analyzes the defects and deficiencies in the operation of the system of public selection of cadres. The fourth part is the key issues elaborated by the author, including the construction of the system of public selection of cadres in China, including its applicable principles, values and embodying the spirit of rule by law, such as openness of government affairs, democratic politics, and so on. The first section introduces the basic principles, the second section introduces the value orientation of rule by law, the third section introduces the scope of application.
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