[Abstract]:The theory of deliberative democracy originates from the reflection on the defects of electoral democracy and representative democracy in western political circles. It emphasizes people's sovereignty and public interests, citizens' equal participation and consultation ability and corresponding procedural mechanism, etc. To enrich and perfect our country's political consultation system has important enlightenment. The theory and practice of deliberative democracy not only belong to the West, but also have different forms and different degrees of consultative political practice in China, such as the multi-party cooperation and political consultation system under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. In the practice of long-term revolution, construction and reform and opening up, we have gradually established a political consultation system under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and on the platform of the Chinese people's political Consultative Conference. As a kind of institutional choice, the system of political consultation accords with the historical tradition and realistic national conditions of our country, and is of great significance to the continuous development and improvement of socialist democracy. However, with the deepening of China's reform and opening up, the pluralistic characteristics of the subject, concept, interest, conflict and other fields have brought severe challenges to the political consultation system. This requires us to base ourselves on the basic national conditions, boldly absorb and draw lessons from the positive achievements of human civilization, constantly improve and develop our political consultation system, and give full play to the advantages of our socialist political system. We should follow the road of political development of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The first part of this paper mainly introduces the similarities and differences between the western consultative democracy theory and the Chinese political consultation system, as well as the development course, the achievements and the forming experience of the Chinese political consultation system. The second part mainly analyzes the problems existing in China's political consultation system, and the third part explores the measures to further strengthen the construction of China's political consultation system according to the existing problems of China's political consultation system.
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