[Abstract]:Dahl's democratic theory occupies an important position in the history of Western democratic theory. However, for various reasons, the domestic scholars are not systematic and sufficient in their theoretical understanding. They have not given it a reasonable position. This article from the emergence of democracy in the dahduo, the development and change of the hand, the analysis of Dahl's theory, try to find out from it. Its inner meaning and evolution process also reflect the change of Western democratic theory.
Dahl's research on democratic theory mainly concentrated in the period from 1930s to 80s. This period was a period of great transformation in western society. The political theorists reconsidered the fascist, the Second World War, the cold war and the trust crisis of the American government. This reflection was carried out under the existing political system and tried to find a solution. Law. The elite democratic theorists, represented by bear Pete, believe that the concept of "public welfare" and "the will of the people" in the classical democratic theory is not existent. In modern society, the general voters are passive and passive. Democracy is only a way to choose the leader through voting. The elite democracy theory has noticed the passivity. Voters, but they ignore the fact that there is a lot of organization between the voters and the leaders. By examining the current democratic political system, Dahl concluded that democracy is not only confined to the choice of the voters and leaders, but also through the interaction of organizations. In addition, pluralist politics. Lasswell, a governance theorist, also believes that the essence of government and political organizations is the same in power. The basic characteristics of the pluralism of state power will become an important factor.
Dahl began to prove the theory of pluralism. Dahl first criticized two typical democratic theories. He believed that "tyranny of the majority" did not exist. In addition, the separation of powers and restrictions on political parties could not prevent tyranny. Democracy tried to achieve people's sovereignty and political equality, which was not true and potential danger. Dahl thought power. Being effectively dispersed in the hands of numerous organizations makes it impossible for most people to autocracy. Therefore, neither of these two democracies can be called democracy. Dahl believes that democracy is not the rule of the majority, but the rule of multiple minorities, and the symbol of the multiregime is the right to vote, the right to proposal, the majority principle, and so on.
In the view of Dahl, in order to realize a multi headed regime, society and system are necessary. In terms of social factors, multiple social organizations, free markets, and social consensus are the necessary conditions. Democracy requires a variety of corresponding institutional safeguards. It requires institutional conditions to ensure "extensive participation" and "legal opposition".
Dahl discussed the issue of the framework of democratic institutions and then turned to the microsphere: organization. Dahl believed that the shortcomings of the current pluralism were mainly caused by the dual nature of the organizational characteristics, the inequality between organizations, and the unequal impact of the organization on policy. In order to understand the problem of the equality of the organization, we have to solve the economy. First, reform the management model of the company and realize the autonomy of the enterprise. This is mainly based on the priority of the right of autonomy. Democracy guarantees the basic rights and freedoms of the individual. But the basic rights (including political power), to a certain extent, are better than the democratic system, and the right of autonomy is the most important basic right. Economic democracy is the most effective way for most people who want to be free. If the workers are fully involved in the formulation of the policy, the rights of the employees to be fully involved are realized, and freedom will be guaranteed.
Therefore, Dahl believes that enterprise members should enjoy the autonomy of the enterprise and carry out democracy in companies and enterprises. It can eliminate inequality, achieve political equality and promote democracy.
Dahl's democratic theory made an important contribution to the contemporary theory of democracy. He criticized the traditional classical democratic theory, broke the perfect image of the traditional democracy, and pointed out their shortcomings (the shortcomings of the Madison principles and most principles), and revealed the social foundation of democracy. People have brought great hints. In theory, Dahl connected modern and modern democracy. He accurately grasped the development trend of democratic theory through unremitting research. He developed and improved his pluralistic democratic theory by drawing on the new research results. The theory of economic democracy is also a breakthrough in the traditional democratic theory. Dahl's people There are also some defects in the main theory. Under the existing capitalist private property and constitutional system, it is difficult to realize the economic and democratic ideas proposed by Dahl. His idea can not solve the economic and political inequality between organizations. Under the existing institutional framework, he insisted on democracy in the micro field, but he did not give specific measures.
This article is divided into four parts
First, it mainly expounds the ideological background of Dahl's democratic theory. It is mainly the background of the times and the origin of thought. Dahl's theory adheres to the methodology of behaviorism and is theoretically influenced by other democratic theorists, such as Lindblom and so on.
Two, pluralistic democracy and pluralism. Dahl is based on the theory of theory. He has accepted the hypothesis and research method of the electorate in the elite democratic theory. He believes that most of Madison's principles are defective, and that real democracy is not a majority or a minority of rule, but a multi regime. Dahl's pluralist democracy with organization as a mediator. Mode. On the basis of reversing the views of the former political philosophers on the role of the organization, Dahl adopted an analytical framework of organization as an intermediary, put forward the essence of social balance, and highlighted the value appeal of pluralist democracy for the realization of freedom and equality.
Three, the plight of pluralistic democracy and its solution. Economic democracy. Dahl believes that the problem of pluralism is mainly caused by the dual nature of organizational characteristics, that is, the problem of inequality between organizations. In order to solve the inequality of the organization, we should change the ownership of the enterprise. This kind of change can be achieved through the model of economic democracy.
Finally, Dahl's pluralistic democratic theory made a great contribution to the contemporary western democratic theory: he criticized the elite democracy theory, played an important role in the process of the transition from modern to modern, and adapted to the development of the times. At the same time, his theory was also defective, and his theory itself had contradictions in many places. Everything is related to reality, but it can't be realized in reality.
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