[Abstract]:On 22 May 2009, the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee deliberated on and adopted the interim provisions on the Accountability of leading cadres of the Party and Government. On June 30, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council officially issued the interim provisions, which came into effect as of the date of promulgation. So far, marks our country administrative accountability system construction has obtained the stage achievement. If 2008 is the year of administrative accountability, 2009 is the year of accountability. From the local level to the central government, a series of special legal systems on administrative accountability have been promulgated, which are detailed in terms of the subject of accountability, the object of accountability, the scope of accountability, the way of accountability, the procedure of accountability, the remedy of accountability, and so on. Accountability has changed from "non-institutionalization" to "institutionalization". However, the legislative practice of accountability still lags behind the needs of the development of reality. The accountability legal system still has some problems, such as unclear accountability subjects, narrow accountability scope, uncertain accountability objects, imperfect accountability procedures, and so on. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to study the construction of administrative accountability system in China. This paper expounds the theoretical basis of implementing the administrative accountability system and the value of "institutionalization" of the administrative accountability system, analyzes the present situation and existing problems of the construction of the legal system of administrative accountability in China. Finally, the author puts forward the idea of perfecting the legal system of administrative accountability in our country, including establishing a unified law of administrative accountability and perfecting the supporting system of administrative accountability.
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