[Abstract]:The theory of deliberative democracy is a kind of theory that arose in the 1980s. It is a kind of revision that political scientists focus too much on liberal democracy or electoral democracy while neglecting the tendency of equality. It is a new development of democratic theory in the contemporary era. As a democratic decision-making system or a form of rational decision-making, each citizen can freely express his or her views and listen to the views of others, and participate equally in the process of making public policies. This includes providing room for negotiation on ethical issues and making decisions that are acceptable to all in rational discussions and negotiations. Our society is in the process of changing from traditional society to modern society, from planned economy to market economy and from closed culture to open culture. In order to improve the social adaptability and effectiveness of China's political system, it is necessary to promote the development of democratic politics. The deliberative democracy adapts to the diversity of social structure and values in our country and to the traditional "harmonious" political culture of China. The application of deliberative democracy in China can alleviate the pressure of electoral democracy to a certain extent. It has special theoretical value and practical guiding significance for the construction of democratic politics in China at present, which is worthy of our consideration and study. On the basis of theoretical analysis and investigation and research, the purpose of this paper is to use the relevant knowledge of the theory of deliberative democracy and the theory of political participation as an analytical tool according to the current situation and problems encountered in the development of deliberative democracy in China. To explore an effective way to realize the development of China's deliberative democracy with Chinese characteristics, to promote the democratic process in China from the aspects of system, interests and culture, and finally to promote the all-round development of the country and society. There are mainly two specific research methods used in writing. One is the literature method, which collects as comprehensive relevant documents as possible through a variety of channels, so as to understand and absorb the research results of the domestic and foreign theorists on the theory of deliberative democracy since the 1990s. To provide sufficient theoretical support for the writing of the paper. The second is comparative analysis to explore the similarities and differences between contemporary China and the West on the issue of deliberative democracy in order to learn and learn from the theoretical achievements and practical forms of western deliberative democracy. On the basis of analyzing the reality of China's democratic consultation, the practice of China's democratic consultation is promoted and the development of Chinese democratic politics is promoted. This paper takes the current situation of China's consultative democracy as the object of study, the achievements of China's development of consultative democracy as the starting point, and the problems encountered in the development of consultative democracy in China as the key points. With the help of the relevant knowledge of the theory of deliberative democracy and the theory of political participation, in terms of the system, the CPPCC, and the specific ways to expand the orderly participation of citizens, it has put forward a solution and a relatively systematic approach. This paper deeply studies the realization path of consultative democracy with Chinese characteristics, embodies the interdisciplinary research, and expands the new field of the research on deliberative democracy.
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